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Re: [FD] Obtaining location using Google maps & JavaScript

Have you tested this?

The Google Maps page header includes "x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN” which would 
prevent iframe embedding in every commonly used browser. But even if this 
control were not in place, browsers implement additional controls. Most 
significantly, if the page to be embedded in an iframe is on a remote domain, 
then the parent page is prevented from inspecting iframe content and metadata 
unless permissions are granted by the embedded page. Most modern browsers also 
block the embedded portion from html5 canvas reads. This means that even OCR of 
the rendered canvas should not work.

> On Apr 18, 2019, at 4:58 AM, Bhavesh Naik via Fulldisclosure 
> <fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> HTML5's geolocation feature asks for permissions to obtain users current 
> location & the current IP to location also fails to pinpoint exact location 
> of the user.However, one can use google maps to obtain the location of the 
> user (being said that he is currently logged in with his google account).
> Using the URL: https://www.google.com/maps/search/current+location/ in an 
> I-frame content and making the visitor access the site would allow you to get 
> the exact location.If the user is using a common account on laptop/desktop 
> and his mobile phone, it is possible to get exact GPS co-ordinates using this 
> technique.
> All that is required is that site should be able to capture the lat-longs 
> generated by the map APIs using JavaScript.
> Has anyone worked on something similar before?

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