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[FD] CFP: EuroSec 2018, 11th European Workshop on Systems Security (Extended Deadline: February 9, 2018)

# Call for Papers: EuroSec 2018

11th European Workshop on Systems Security
Porto, Portugal - April 23, 2018

 - Web: http://www.sharcs-project.eu/eurosec-2018/
 - Twitter: @EuroSecWorkshop
 - Hashtag: #eurosec2018

## Important Dates

 - Extended paper submission deadline: *February 9, 2018 (AoE)*
 - Acceptance notification: March 2, 2018
 - Final paper due: March 8, 2018
 - Workshop: April 23, 2018

## About EuroSec

The 11th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec) aims to bring
together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system
programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the
security of computer systems and networks. The objective of the
workshop is to discuss novel, practical, systems-oriented work. The
workshop will precede the EuroSys 2018 conference.

## Our Aim

EuroSec encourages systems security researchers to share early
iterations of bleeding-edge ideas with the community, before they are
further developed into full papers. Reciprocally, authors receive
feedback to help steer and improve their research to its full
potential. Many EuroSec papers later form the basis for full
conference papers presented at one of the top venues in computer

## Topics of Interest

EuroSec seeks contributions on all aspects of systems security. Topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):

 - New attacks, evasion techniques, and defenses
 - Operating system security
 - Mobile systems security
 - Malicious code analysis and detection
 - Web security
 - Network security
 - Reverse engineering and binary analysis
 - Hardware security
 - Virtual machines and hypervisors
 - Trusted computing and its applications
 - System security aspects of privacy
 - Identity management and anonymity
 - Systems-based forensics
 - Vulnerability discovery, analysis, and exploitation
 - Embedded system security
 - Cybercrime ecosystem and economics
 - Security of critical infrastructures

In accordance with the spirit of EuroSys, we also seek:

 - Quantified or insightful experience with existing systems
 - Reproduction or refutation of previous results
 - Negative results and early ideas

## Paper Submissions

You are invited to submit papers of up to 6 pages, with 9-point font,
in a two-column format, including figures, tables and references.
Submitted papers must use the ACM sig-alternate-05-2015 LaTeX
template. You should not modify key aspects of the template, such as
font face, spacing, etc. The template, as well as instructions on how
to use it, can be found here.

All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Only
original, novel work will be considered for publication. Accepted
papers will be published in the Proceedings of EuroSec in the ACM
Digital Library.

Submissions should be made online at

 - http://eurosec2018.sec.cs.tu-bs.de

## Committee

### Program Chairs

 - Angelos Stavrou, George Mason University
 - Konrad Rieck, TU Braunschweig

### Program Committee

 - Magnus Almgren, Chalmers University of Technology
 - Manos Antonakakis, Georgia Institute of Technology
 - Elias Athanasopoulos, University of Cyprus
 - Foteini Baldmitsi, George Mason University
 - Leyla Bilge, Symantec Research Labs
 - Lorenzo Cavallaro, Royal Holloway, University of London
 - Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, New York University
 - Yanick Fratantonio, Eurecom
 - Alexandros Kapravelos, NC State University
 - Vasileios Kemerlis, Brown University
 - Anil Kurmus, IBM Research - Zurich
 - Andrea Lanzi, University of Milan
 - Martina Lindorfer, UC Santa Barbara
 - Federico Maggi, Trend Micro
 - Collin Mulliner, 3BLabs
 - Mathias Payer, Purdue University
 - Jason Pollakis, University of Illinois at Chicago
 - Christian Rossow, Saarland University
 - Gianluca Stringhini, University College London
 - Giorgos Vasiliadis, FORTH
 - Fengwei Zhang, Wayne State University

### Steering Committee

 - Herbert Bos, VU Amsterdam
 - Evangelos Markatos, FORTH and University of Crete
 - Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH

### Publicity Chairs

 - Fengwei Zhang, Wayne State University
 - Christian Wressnegger, TU Braunschweig

### Web Chair

 - Antonis Krithinakis, FORTH

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