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[FD] Call For Paper - Nuit du Hack - June 30th - July 1st, 2018

The whole Hackerzvoice team wishes you a happy new year !

Hello everyone !

The 16th edition of The Nuit Du Hack will be held

We had great moments together in Disneyland Paris, but it’s time for us
to open a new chapter in our adventure !

For the first time, La Nuit Du Hack will take place in La Cité des
Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris Center !

HZV team is proud to welcome you to a unique venue, especially the
Centre de Congrés of La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie !

Just for you, on three levels in the mezzanine : a 900 seats
amphitheater, 2000m2 of exhibition space, the « Loft » : 1000m2 that
will entirely dedicated to the Wargame and much more !

In 2018, La Nuit Du Hack will be : talks, challenges, workshops but also
surprises !

Upcoming Dates :

- NDH Quals by Sysdream : March 31th 00:00 (CET) - April 1st 00:00 (CET)
- CFP Deadline : April 5th, 2018
- Talk Announcement : April 20th, 2018
- Nuit Du Hack : June 30 - July 1st, 2018
- Hack In Paris : June 25 - 29, 2018

The NDH Team


0x1 CFP
0x2 Organizers
0x3 Sponsors

0x1 CFP

If you have some l33t skillz, just follow the link :

For the lazy ones, just keep scrolling

CALL FOR PAPERS - #ndh16 - 30 June / 1st July, 2018


Conference format               : 45min, including 5 to 10min of Q&A
Submission                      : https://submit.hackerzvoice.net
Deadline                        : April 5th, 2018
Announcement                    : April 20th, 2018
Beer, kudos, awkward hugs, travel expenses, and many more for the lucky


The “Nuit Du Hack”conference was initiated in 2003 by the French hacking
group: HackerZVoice.
This event has been gathering people willing to learn and share their
knowledge around lectures and challenges since.
Originally made of 20 persons, the Nuit Du Hack has never stopped
growing by gathering more and more people from passionate to the
professional area. Since 2010, in order to improve the quality and the
accessibility of this event, talks and workshops in English are
possible. On 2017, the event announced several lecturers of
international reknown and rallied more than 2000 fans including more
than 50 challengers fighting in teams.
The 16th edition of the Nuit Du Hack will be held at La Cité des
Sciences in Paris, France on June 30th to July 1st 2018 where more than
2500 attendees are expected.
So if you're interested in Hacking, this is the place to be if you're in
Paris during summer, M'kay?


As every CFP out there, here is the list of what we would love to see.
But again, if the subject of your research is not listed here, feel free
to submit it anyway.“The unique must be fulfilled” as she said.

•    Advances in reverse engineering
•    Vulnerability research and exploitation
•    Penetration testing and security assessment
•    Malware analysis and new trends in malicious codes
•    Forensics, IT crime & law enforcement
•    Privacy issues: LPM, LOPPSI, HADOPI, - Industrial espionage,cyberwar
•    Low-level hacking (console security & mobile devices)
•    Process of submission (who does not enjoy some meta?)


We made it as easy as browsing the link: https://submit.hackerzvoice.net
& Just follow instructions.

Submissions should contain the following elements:

•    The biography of each author
•    A short abstract of your presentation
•    The plan and summary of your research, including
technical information; in particular novel research with regards to the
state of the art
•    An estimation of your expenses (trip and hotel) and beer
consumption (we’re serious).
•    Note: presentations will take about 45 minutes, including 5 to 10
minutes of questions.


Same for workshops,we’ll be happy to see you gathering people and
teaching them /insert your beloved research theme/. Just connect to
https://submit.nuitduhack.com to fill your info:
•    The biography of each author
•    A short abstract of your workshop
•    Notify us if you need some specific material


We are also looking for Musicians/DJs that are interested in playing
during the Nuit Du Hack. Again, submit your info in link.
If you can include some of your sounds, that would be great !


NDH Quals by Sysdream : March 31th 00:00 (CET) - April 1st 00:00 (CET) 2018
Deadline      : April 5th, 2018

Announcement  : April 20th, 2018

Hack In Paris : June 25th - 29th, 2018

Nuit Du Hack  : June 30th - July 1st, 2018


Contact         : communication@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sponsoring      : sponsors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Twitter         : https://twitter.com/hackerzvoice and #ndh16
Facebook        : https://facebook.com/nuitduhack

0x2 Organizers

The Nuit du Hack is organized every year, in partnership with Sysdream,
by HZV, a more than 15 years old association dedicated to Hacking
demystification by education and share of knowledge.

NDH : https://nuitduhack.com
HZV : https://www.hackerzvoice.net
SYSDREAM :https://www.sysdream.com
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hackerzvoice
Facebook : https://facebook.com/nuitduhack
Youtube: https://youtube.com/hzvprod

0x3 Sponsors

The Nuit du Hack couldn't be possible without the support of our

If you would like to be one of our sponsors, contact us at
sponsors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !

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