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[FD] SonicWall SonicOS NSA UTM Firewall - Bypass & Persistent Vulnerability
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] SonicWall SonicOS NSA UTM Firewall - Bypass & Persistent Vulnerability
- From: Vulnerability Lab <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 00:43:51 +0100
Document Title:
SonicWall SonicOS NSA - Bypass & Persistent Vulnerability
References (Source):
Release Date:
Vulnerability Laboratory ID (VL-ID):
Common Vulnerability Scoring System:
Vulnerability Class:
Current Estimated Price:
2.000€ - 3.000€
Product & Service Introduction:
Achieve a deeper level of security with the SonicWALL Network Security
Appliance (NSA) Series of next-generation firewalls. NSA Series appliances
integrate automated and dynamic security capabilities into a single platform,
combining the patented1, SonicWALL Reassembly Free Deep Packet
Inspection (RFDPI) firewall engine with a powerful, massively scalable,
multi-core architecture. Now you can block even the most sophisticated
threats with an intrusion prevention system (IPS) featuring advanced
anti-evasion capabilities, SSL decryption and inspection, and network-based
malware protection that leverages the power of the cloud.
(Copy of the Homepage: http://www.sonicwall.com/products/sonicwall-nsa/ )
The proven SonicOS architecture is at the core of every Dell SonicWALL firewall
from the SuperMassive™ E10800 to the TZ 100. SonicOS uses deep packet
inspection technology in combination with multi-core specialized security
microprocessors to deliver application intelligence, control, and real-time
visualization, intrusion prevention, high-speed virtual private networking
(VPN) technology and other robust security features.
(Copy of the Homepage: http://www.sonicwall.com/network-security-os-platform/ )
Abstract Advisory Information:
The Vulnerability Laboratory Core Research Team discovered a filter bypass
issue and an application-side vulnerability in the
official DELL SonicWall SonicOS NSA Series web-application firewall (utm)
Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2018-01-04: Public Disclosure (Vulnerability Laboratory)
Discovery Status:
Affected Product(s):
DELL SonicWall
Product: Sonicwall SonicOS (all versions)
Exploitation Technique:
Severity Level:
Technical Details & Description:
A filter bypass issue and an application-side web vulnerability has been
discovered in the official SonicWall NSA Web-Firewall Appliance Series with
The filter bypass issue allows an attacker to bypass a restricted mechanism or
a filter protection to finally evade the controls of the web-application.
The `Security Service` section with the `Content Filter` module allows an
attacker to bypass the regular web-filter validation mechanism.
Remote attackers with privileged appliance user accounts are able to inject own
malicious script codes on the application-side of the affected modules.
The filter of the `CFS Custom Category` module with the `Add` function allows
an attacker to bypass the regular web-filter validation of the web-application.
As far as an attacker injects in the `CFS Custom Category` a payload to the as
`Name`, he will be forced to use only words without script code by a secure
exception-handling. In the Formular of the Edit procedure is also an `Update`
function available. Remote attackers with local low privileged user accounts
are able to bypass the name input validation the following way. First the
attacker inserts a regular domain, after that the update function is available.
Now the attacker injects his payload to the ` Content` input field and clicks
update to the already temporarily stored entry. Now the illegal payload is
inside the listing and can be saved via `OK` for further manipulation to
compromise the web appliance of sonicwall. The vulnerable files were the
point is located are `addTrustedDomainDlg.html` and `gavCloudExclusions.html`.
The final script code execution occurs in the `main.html or index` file.
The same filter bypass issue is located in the `Cloud AV DB Exclusion Settings`
module with the vulnerable `Cloud AV Signature ID` input field context as well.
After the context is include an application-side script code execution occurs
in the main listing of the `CFS Custom Category`. The validation does not
the input of the Edit formular and sends the context to the item listing in the
index of the content filter module. The attack vector of the issue is located
on the application-side and the request method to inject is POST.
The security risk of the filter bypass and persistent validation vulnerability
is estimated as medium with a cvss (common vulnerability scoring system) count
of 4.5.
Exploitation of the persistent input validation web vulnerability requires a
low privileged or restricted web-application user account and low or medium
user interaction.
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability results in session hijacking,
persistent phishing, persistent external redirects to malicious source and
persistent manipulation
of affected or connected application modules.
Request Method(s):
[+] POST
Vulnerable Module(s):
[+] CFS Custom Category
[+] Cloud AV DB Exclusion Settings
Vulnerable File(s):
[+] addTrustedDomainDlg.html
[+] gavCloudExclusions.html
Vulnerable Inputs(s):
[+] Name
[+] Content
[+] Cloud AV Signature ID
Vulnerable Parameter(s):
[+] cfsRatingObjectName
[+] selectedItem
[+] itemList
[+] cfsRatingDomainList
[+] gav_cloud_exclude_list
[+] inputbox
[+] list
Affected Module(s):
[+] CFS Custom Category - Item Listing (Name & Content)
[+] Gateway Anti-Virus Signatures - Item Listing (Name & Content)
Proof of Concept (PoC):
The filter bypass and application-side input validation vulnerability can be
exploited by remote attackers with privileged
web-application user account and low or medium user interaction For security
demonstration or to reproduce the web vulnerability
follow the provided information and steps below to continue.
Manual steps to reproduce the vulnerability ...
1. Open the appliance web-application (nsa series)
2. Login to the application
3. Switch to the Security Services
4. Open the Content Filter module
5. Scroll down and click in the `CFS Custom Category` the `Add` button
6. Now, a new form opens with several inputs
Note: To edit existing items the item listing or to add new context to the item
7. Include a regular name and a basic content as domain name
8. Save the entry temporarily via `Add` to the edit list
9. Choose the same track that you added and include a script code payload after
the domainname
10. Now, click on update (Note via Add!)
11. The illegal domain context is now saved
Note: We used the update function to bypass the protected Add mechanism
12. Click the Ok button to save the entry to the dbms of the appliance
13. The code executes directly in the item list of the CFS Custom Category
module next to the add function
14. Successful reproduce of the filter bypass issue and persistent
--- Session Logs (Standard Request) ---
Status: pending[]
POST https://utm_waf.sonicwall.localhost:8351/main.cgi
Mime Type[unknown]
Request Header:
User-Agent[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101
Accept-Encoding[gzip, deflate]
Cookie[curUrl=securityServicesCFView.html; curUsr=; 77177=local; 1008=2;
1021=600; 1023=10; 1024=5; 1031=0; 1032=0; 1033=0;
1034=0; 1035=0; 1040=4; 1041=1; 1042=0; 1043=0; 1044=0; 1045=0;
1007=applFolder; 1022=true; SessId=null; PageSeed=null; tabbedWinAlert=done;
777=0; 7433=divHAInterfaces; 7513=0]
--- PoC Session Logs (POST) [Inject] #1 ---
Status: pending[]
POST https://utm_waf.sonicwall.localhost:8351/main.cgi
Mime Type[unknown]
Request Header:
User-Agent[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101
Accept-Encoding[gzip, deflate]
Cookie[curUrl=systemStatusView.html; curUsr=; 77177=local; 1008=2;
1021=600; 1023=10; 1024=5; 1031=0; 1032=0; 1033=0; 1034=0; 1035=0;
1040=4; 1041=1; 1042=0; 1043=0; 1044=0; 1045=0; 1007=applFolder; 1022=true;
SessId=null; PageSeed=null; tabbedWinAlert=done; 777=0; 7433=divHAInterfaces;
--- PoC Session Logs (POST) [Inject] #2 ---
Status: pending[]
POST https://utm_waf.sonicwall.localhost:8351/main.cgi
Mime Type[unknown]
Request Header:
User-Agent[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101
Accept-Encoding[gzip, deflate]
Cookie[curUrl=gavSummary.html; curUsr=; 77177=local; 1008=2; 1021=600;
1023=10; 1024=5; 1031=0; 1032=0; 1033=0; 1034=0; 1035=0; 1040=4; 1041=1;
1042=0; 1043=0; 1044=0;
1045=0; 1007=applFolder; 1022=true; SessId=null; PageSeed=null;
tabbedWinAlert=done; 777=0; 7433=divHAInterfaces; 7513=0; 2039=local;
inputbox[123123123+%22%3E%3CMALIICOUS INJECTED PAYLOAD!+src%3Da%3E]
list[123123123+%22%3E%3CMALIICOUS INJECTED PAYLOAD!+src%3Da%3E]
gav_cloud_exclude_list[123123123+%22%3E%3CMALIICOUS INJECTED
Solution - Fix & Patch:
The vulnerability can be patched by setting up a secure validation for the
update inputbox save procedure. Use the same as on the add procedure.
Encode the context and disallow usage of special chars in the item list when
processing to add. Parse the context and filter the input next to
the permanent save that finally displays the context in the main item list to
prevent an application-side script code execution.
Note: The vulnerabilities has been reported to the dell security team. The
issue has been resolved to 2016Q4 - 2017Q4 by the sonicwall developers.
Security Risk:
The security risk of the application-side input validation web vulnerability
and the filter bypass issue are estimated as medium (CVSS 4.5).
Credits & Authors:
Benjamin K.M. [bkm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] -
Disclaimer & Information:
The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without any
warranty. Vulnerability Lab disclaims all warranties, either expressed or
implied, including the warranties of merchantability and capability for a
particular purpose. Vulnerability-Lab or its suppliers are not liable in any
case of damage, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of
business profits or special damages, even if Vulnerability Labs or its
suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do
not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability mainly for incidental
or consequential damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply. We do not
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or vulnerabilities of religious-, militant- and racist-
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