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[FD] CVE-2017-11741 Local root privesc in Hashicorp vagrant-vmware-fusion <= 4.0.23

A couple of weeks ago I disclosed a local root privesc in Hashicorp's
vagrant-vmware-fusion plugin:


The initial patch they released was 4.0.21 which unfortunately contained a bug that prevented it from working at all on mac systems so I was unable to test it. I then had to give my mac to Apple for a couple of weeks for some repairs so
only got around to testing 4.0.22 at the end of last week.

Unfortunately, 4.0.22 is still exploitable and the subsequent release of 4.0.23 did not fix the issue. Hashicorp reacted much faster this time, taking only a few days to issue a patch instead of a few months and 4.0.24 does fix the issue.

As discussed before the plugin installs a "sudo helper" encrypted ruby script
and four architecture-specific wrappers into


The wrapper that matches the system architecture will be made suid root the first time any vagrant box is up'd. When a vagrant box is started the wrapper script elevates privileges and then executes the ruby sudo helper script.

Previously I exploited the unsanitised system("ruby") call to simply invoke the wrapper directly and execute an arbitrary fake "ruby" script in the current PATH. This is now mitigated with 4.0.22 because the wrapper refuses to execute if it's
not being called by vagrant.

Unfortunately it's still possible to exploit it because the wrapper executes the sudo helper as root, and the sudo helper is not root-owned so we can overwrite it with any arbitrary ruby code which will then get executed as root when vagrant up
is run.

The issue was reported to Hashicorp on 27/07/17 and fixed on 01/08/17.

PoC: https://m4.rkw.io/blog/cve201711741-local-root-privesc-in-hashicorp-vagrantvmwarefusion--4023.html

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