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[FD] DefenseCode Security Advisory: IBM DB2 Command Line Processor Buffer Overflow
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] DefenseCode Security Advisory: IBM DB2 Command Line Processor Buffer Overflow
- From: DefenseCode <defensecode@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:21:29 +0200
DefenseCode Security Advisory
IBM DB2 Command Line Processor Buffer Overflow
Advisory ID: DC-2017-04-002
Advisory Title: IBM DB2 Command Line Processor Buffer Overflow
Advisory URL:
Software: IBM DB2
Version: V9.7, V10.1, V10.5 and V11.1 on all platforms
Vendor Status: Vendor Contacted / Fixed (CVE-2017-1297)
Release Date: 26.06.2017
Risk: High
1. General Overview
IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) Command
Line Process (CLP) is vulnerable to a stack based buffer overflow, caused
by improper bounds checking which could allow an attacker to execute
arbitrary code. The vulnerability is triggered by providing an overly
long procedure name inside a CALL statement.
2. Software Overview
DB2 is a database product from IBM. It is a Relational Database Management
System. DB2 is designed to store, analyze and retrieve the data efficiently.
DB2 currently supports Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms.
db2bp is a persistent background process for the DB2 Command Line
and it is the process which actually connects to the database.
3. Brief Vulnerability Description
By providing a specially crafted command file to the db2 CLP utility, it is
possible to cause a buffer overflow and possibly hijack the execution flow
of the program. Crafted file contains a CALL statement with an overly long
procedure parameter.
3.1 Proof of Concept
The following python script will generate a proof of concept .sql crash
file that can be used to verify the vulnerability:
load_overflow = 'A' * 1000
statement = "CALL " + load_overflow + ";"
crash_file = open("crash.sql", "w")
PoC usage: db2 -f crash.sql
4. Credits
Vulnerability discovered by Leon Juranic, further analysis by Bosko
5. About DefenseCode
DefenseCode L.L.C. delivers products and services designed to analyze
and test
web, desktop and mobile applications for security vulnerabilities.
DefenseCode ThunderScan is a SAST (Static Application Security Testing,
Testing) solution for performing extensive security audits of
application source
code. ThunderScan performs fast and accurate analyses of large and complex
source code projects delivering precise results and low false positive rate.
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Testing) solution for comprehensive security audits of active web
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