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[FD] Mimosa Wireless Radios - RCE, DoS, and Local File Disclosure Vulnerabilities

[+] Credits: Ian Ling
[+] Website: iancaling.com
[+] Source: http://blog.iancaling.com/post/160596244178


Access Points (e.g. A5) <2.2.3
Client Radios (e.g. C5) <=2.2.3
Backhaul Radios (e.g. B5) <=2.2.3

Vulnerability Types:
Remote Command Execution (RCE), Denial of Service (DoS), Local File Disclosure, and Information Leakage

Vulnerability Details:

Mimosa Client (e.g. C5) and Backhaul (e.g. B5) models (<2.2.4) are vulnerable to multiple vulnerabilities, including local file disclosure, remote command execution (RCE), information leakage, and denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerabilities.

All vulnerabilities below affect versions <2.2.3, except for the last one (authenticated RCE #2), which also affects version =2.2.3.

Mimosa AP’s (<2.2.3) are also vulnerable to the MQTT information leakage vulnerability explained below.

--Information leakage in the web interface (leads to DoS): There is a page in the web interface that will show you the device’s serial number, regardless of whether or not you have logged in. There is another page (also accessible without authenticating) that allows you to remotely factory reset the device simply by entering the serial number.

--Information leakage in the MQTT broker (leads to DoS): These devices run Mosquitto, a lightweight message broker, to send information between devices. By using the vendor’s hard-coded credentials to connect to the broker on any device (whether it be an AP, Client, or Backhaul model), an attacker can view all the messages being sent between the devices. If an attacker connects to an AP, the AP will leak information about any clients connected to it, including the serial numbers, which can be used to remotely factory reset the clients.

--Unauthenticated remote command execution (RCE) in the MQTT broker (leads to DoS): By connecting to the MQTT broker on the wireless AP and a wireless client, an attacker can gather enough information to craft a command that reboots the client remotely when sent to the client’s MQTT broker. This command can be re-sent endlessly to act as a DoS attack on the client.

--Unauthenticated local file disclosure: In the device’s web interface, there is a page that allows an attacker to use an unsanitized GET parameter to download files from the device as the root user. The attacker can download any file from the device’s filesystem, including block device images. This can be used to view unsalted, MD5-hashed administrator passwords, which can then be cracked, giving the attacker full admin access to the device’s web interface. This vulnerability can also be used to view the plaintext pre-shared key (PSK) for encrypted connections, or to view the device’s serial number (which leads to DoS).

--Authenticated remote command execution #1: In the device’s web interface, after logging in, there is a page that allows you to ping other hosts from the device and view the results. The user is allowed to specify which host to ping, but this variable is not sanitized server-side, which allows an attacker to pass a specially crafted string to execute shell commands as the root user.

--Authenticated remote command execution #2: On the backend of the device’s web interface, there are more tests the user can run than just the ping test mentioned above. These other tests are not all shown on the webpage; some are only accessible by crafting a POST request with a program like cURL. There is one test accessible via cURL that does not properly sanitize user input, allowing an attacker to execute shell commands as the root user.

Disclosure Timeline:
2017/04/05 – Vendor notified of some of the above vulnerabilities
2017/04/05 – Vendor acknowledgement
2017/04/07 – Vendor notified of web interface RCE #1
2017/04/07 – Vendor acknowledges web interface RCE #1
2017/04/11 – Vendor releases patch for all vulnerabilities that were known at the time 2017/04/11 – Web interface RCE vulnerability #2 discovered and reported to vendor
2017/04/12 – Vendor acknowledges vulnerability
2017/05/12 – Public disclosure

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