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[FD] DefenseCode ThunderScan SAST Advisory: WordPress Facebook Plugin SQL Injection Vulnerability

            DefenseCode ThunderScan SAST Advisory
                 WordPress Facebook Plugin
                 SQL Injection Vulnerability

Advisory ID: DC-2017-04-011
Software: WordPress Facebook Plugin
Software Language: PHP
Version: 1.0.13 and below
Vendor Status: Vendor contacted, vulnerability confirmed
Release Date: 20170502
Risk: High

# Advisory Overview

During the security audit, multiple security vulnerabilities
were discovered in WordPress Facebook Plugin using DefenseCode
ThunderScan application source code security analysis platform.

According to the plugin developers, WordPress Facebook is a
well-equipped tool to integrate your website with Facebook.
The product package contains a large number of widgets and
plugins to make your website more social. Using it you will be
able to add not only Like/Share and Registration buttons,
but also Facepile, Facebook commenting box and etc.
It has more than 10,000 downloads on wordpress.org.

Full advisory URL:


# About DefenseCode

DefenseCode L.L.C. delivers products and services designed to analyze
and test web, desktop and mobile applications for security vulnerabilities.

DefenseCode ThunderScan is a SAST (Static Application Security Testing,
WhiteBox Testing) solution for performing extensive security audits of
application sourcecode.

ThunderScan performs fast and accurate analyses of large and complex
source code projects delivering precise results and low false positive

DefenseCode WebScanner is a DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing,
BlackBox Testing) solution for comprehensive security audits of active
web applications.

WebScanner will test a website's security by carrying out a large number
of attacks using the most advanced techniques, just as a real attacker

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