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[FD] Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability

Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery
Remco Vermeulen, January 2017

It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is affected by
Cross-Site Request Forgery. This issue can be combined with a command
injection vulnerability (see advisory SFY201703) to gain complete
control (root access) of the affected device.

See also
- https://securify.nl/advisory/SFY20170102/authentication_bypass_vulnerability_in_western_digital_my_cloud.html - https://securify.nl/advisory/SFY20170103/western_digital_my_cloud_vulnerable_to_multiple_command_injection_vulnerabilities.html

Tested versions
This issue was successfully verified on a Western Digital My Cloud model
WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.21.126. The issue isn't limited
to the used model since most of the products in the My Cloud series
share the same (vulnerable) code.

There is currently no fix available.


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