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[FD] Call for Papers for 5th Balkan Computer Congress – BalCCon2k17

Call for Papers for 5th Balkan Computer Congress – BalCCon2k17

15|16|17 September 2017, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth,
Milky Way

The BalCCon2k17 staff are now soliciting papers to be presented at our
BalCCon2k17 Congress to be held 15 - 17th September in Novi Sad, Serbia.
The CfP in open until 1st July 2017.


The Event

Balkan Computer Congress is an annual three days gathering of the
international hacker community in the organization of LUGoNS – Linux
Users Group of Novi Sad. The first part of the program has been
envisaged to be a set of presentations, workshops and lectures on the
current topics regarding privacy, technology, software development, free
software & socio-political issues. Hands-on projects and hacking have
been planned for the second part of the program.

The Location:
Novi Sad is the center of Vojvodina, northern province of Serbia, famous
for its multicultural history and active artistic and technological
scene (e.g., music festival Exit and digital-media event Share). With a
prestigious night life combined with the warm and welcoming character,
Novi Sad offers inexpensive prices for lodging and dining, compared to
the neighboring EU. If you’re in Novi Sad or nearby during these dates,
this is the place you want to be!

Our Goal

Our goal is to gather all the communities from the region, continent and
the World in an effort to hack, play, learn, pass knowledge and exchange
experience. BalCCon aims to become the central hacker community in South
East Balkan, as well as to provide an opportunity for all people in this
part of Europe to connect and to cooperate.

Having said that, we would like to invite you to make and send us
proposals for talks, lectures and workshops on all topics of relevance.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Hardware: Hacking, Making, Electronics, Lock Picking...
- Software: Programming, A.I., F.O.S.S., Demo scene, preservation
- Embedded Systems and Software
- Security : Reverse engineering, vulndev, malware analysis and new
trends in malicious codes, penetration testing and security assessment
- Low-level hacking (console security & mobile devices)
- Biometrics Technologies Indexing and Query Processing for Moving Object
- Networks / Telecommunication: Internet, Alternative networks, Wireless
Communications, GSM, HAM Radio...
- Privacy: Tor,Darknets, Crypto, LPM, LOPPSI, HADOPI, - Industrial
espionage, cyberwar
- Legal, Political and Social: Hacker Ethics, Forensics, Censorship,
Politics, Hackerspaces/Communities, Psychology...
- Science: DIY science, citizen scitents, emerging research, novel uses
of technology, crowd-sourcing for science...
- Arts And Crafts: LASERs!!!, music, wearable electronics, artisan
crafts, retro gaming, food, brewing, fermentation ...

And any other topic we might have missed but you think might be interesting!

And any other topic we might have missed but you think might be

Submission Guidelines

Online submissions only:
All submissions of lectures and workshops have to be entered into our
conference planning system, which is located at the following URL:
https://frab.balccon.org/en/BalCCon2k17/cfp/session/new . Please follow
the instructions there. If you have any questions regarding the
submission, you are welcome to contact us via e-mail at orga(at)balccon.org.

Talks should be no longer than 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions
and answers. Longer slots are possible in principle. There are 20-minute
slots as well. Please tell us the proposed length of your talk at the
time of submission. In addition, there are 5-minute short talks
(so-called Lightning Talks) for small ideas, projects, or rants. These
will only be organized during the event.

Language of the Presentation

BalCCon is an international conference, therefore your submissions
should be in English. It is expected that we will have participants from
all over the World, so it is important to have a common language.

Travel Expenses

The Balkan Computer Congress is a non-profit oriented event and speakers
are not paid. However, financial help on accommodation may be possible,
within our means, for all accepted submissions. Don’t be shy and state
your requirements in the application when submitting your proposal.

Dates and Deadlines
All submissions will be reviewed by our Program Committee. Authors will
be notified upon acceptance of their talk.

July 1st, 2017 (23:59 UTC): Submission deadline
July 15th, 2017: Final notification of acceptance
September 15th – 17th, 2017: BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress

All submissions will be judged equally, disregarding race and gender.
Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event program or
disregard any proposal if found inappropriate for this conference.

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