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[FD] skype installer dll hijacking vulnerability - CVE-2016-5720
- To: "fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [FD] skype installer dll hijacking vulnerability - CVE-2016-5720
- From: Tien Phan <heart2heart.it@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 23:11:41 +0800
There are a dll planting vuln in skype installer. This vuln had been
reported to Microsoft but they decided not fix this.
Here is the vulnerability details:
Skype installer in Windows is open to DLL hijacking.
Skype looks for a specific DLL by dynamically going through a set of
predefined directories. One of the directory being scanned is the
installation directory, and this is exactly what is abused in this
Reproduce Notes:
1. Download this dll
2. Copy msi.dll to Downloads directory
3. download skype installer
4. execute the downloaded installer from your "Downloads" directory;
Observed behavior: message box “hyhy”
Another dll can be used to hijack: dpapi.dll cryptui.dll
Tien Phan
Blog : http://tienpp.blogspot.com
twitter : @_razybo_ <http://twitter.com/_razybo_>
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