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[FD] New BlackArch Linux ISOs (2016.04.28) and Installer released

Dear list,

We've released the new BlackArch Linux ISOs along with the new
installer. They include more than 1400 tools and come with lots of
improvements. The armv6h and armv7h repositories are filled with about
1300 tools.

A short ChangeLog of the Live-ISOs:

   - added new (improved) BlackArch Linux installer
   - include linux kernel 4.5.1
   - added new blackarch linux installer
   - fixed an EFI boot issue
   - fixed the well-known i686 boot issue
   - added more than 80 new tools
   - updated all blackarch tools
   - updated all system packages
   - updated menu entries for the window managers (awesome, fluxbox, openbox)

If you're not already familiar with BlackArch Linux, please read the
DESCRIPTION section below.


You can download the new ISOs here: https://www.blackarch.org/downloads.html


BlackArch Linux is an Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution for pentesters
and security researchers. The BlackArch package repository is
compatible with existing Arch installs.

Here are some of BlackArch's features:

   - Support for i686, x86_64, armv6h and armv7h architectures
   - Over 1400 tools (constantly increasing)
   - Modular package groups
   - A live ISO with multiple window managers, including dwm, fluxbox,
openbox, awesome, wmii, i3 and spectrwm.
   - An optional installer with the ability to build from source.


We mostly work on BlackArch Linux for our personal use. We share it in
the hopes that you will contribute by reporting bugs and sharing tools
and ideas.

We have a relaxed project structure. We welcome pull requests of all
sizes through any means, including Github[0] and email[1].

Also see our Twitter account[2] and IRC channel[3]. Although BlackArch
is the primary topic in the channel, we also have pleasant
conversations about other things. Come join us. It's a happy place.


We wish to thank all of BlackArch's users, mirrors, and supporters.
Thanks for your help.


Our initiative depends on donations in order to be able to pay the
server infrastructure and our expences. Therefore we ask for voluntary


[0] http://www.github.com/BlackArch/
[1] blackarchlinux () gmail com
[2] https://twitter.com/blackarchlinux
[3] irc://irc.freenode.net/blackarch

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