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[FD] CALL FOR PAPERS - FAQin Congress - Madrid

The FAQin Association is proud to announce the call for [ papers,
presentations, proposals ] at FAQin congress

-=] About FAQin Congress

FAQin congress is a free invitation-only underground hacking event in
Madrid, Spain at We Rock venue from 5th to 6th of March. No press, no
cops... Just you, your peers and a bunch of free beer. Think about it.

Attendance is free, attendees must pass a CTF-like challenge to get a
ticket. Full details at www.faqin.org

-=] We are looking for offensive focused content:

 - Reverse engineering [ Hardware, Software, Protocol... ]
 - Writing and using exploits
 - Bypassing protections
 - Attacks on cryptography
 - Or any kind of offensive hacking

-=] Guidelines:

 - 45 minute slots, if you need double slot let us know.
 - We are open to proposals for workshops, demos, live hacks...

Please send an abstract, bio and "mugshot" to cfp@xxxxxxxxx before 15th of

Questions? Free tickets?  info@xxxxxxxxx

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