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[FD] CarolinaCon-12 - March 2016 - FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] CarolinaCon-12 - March 2016 - FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT
- From: Vic Vandal <vvandal@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:00:21 -0800 (PST)
CarolinaCon-12 will be held on March 4th-6th, 2016 in Raleigh NC. For the
cheap price of $40 YOU could get a full weekend of talks, hacks, contests, and
parties. Regarding the price increase to $40, it was forced due to ever-rising
venue costs. But we promise to provide more value via; great talks, great side
events, kickass new attendee badges, cool giveaways, etc.
We've selected as many presentations as we can fit into the lineup. Here they
are, in no particular order:
- Mo Money Mo Problems: The Cashout - Benjamin Brown
- Breaking Android apps for fun and profit - Bill Sempf
- Gettin’ Vishy with it - Owen / Snide- @LinuxBlog
- Buffer Overflows for x86, x86_64 and ARM - John F. Davis (Math 400)
- Surprise! Everything can kill you. - fort
- Advanced Reconnaissance Framework - Solray
- Introducing PS>Attack, a portable PowerShell attack toolkit - Jared Haight
- Reverse Engineer iOS apps because reasons - twinlol
- FLOSS every day – automatically extracting obfuscated strings from malware -
Moritz Raabe and William Ballenthin
- John the Ripper sits in the next cubicle: Cracking passwords in a Corporate
environment - Steve Passino
- Dynamic Analysis with Windows Performance Toolkit - DeBuG (John deGruyter)
- Deploying a Shadow Threat Intel Capability: Understanding YOUR Adversaries
without Expensive Security Tools - grecs
- AR Hacking: How to turn One Gun Into Five Guns - Deviant Ollam
- Reporting for Hackers - Jon Molesa @th3mojo
- Never Go Full Spectrum - Cyber Randy
- I Am The Liquor - Jim Lahey
CarolinaCon-12 Contests/Challenges/Events:
- Capture The Flag
- Crypto Challenge
- Lockpicking Village
- Hardware Hack-Shop
- Hacker Trivia
- Unofficial CC Shootout
If you're traveling and wish to stay at the Con hotel here is the direct link
to the CarolinaCon discount group rate:
NOTE: The website defaults to March 3rd-6th instead of March 4th-6th and the
group rate is no longer available on March 3rd. So make sure that you change
the reservation dates to get the group rate.
ATTENTION: The discount group rate on Hilton hotel rooms expires THIS weekend
on JANUARY 31st 2016, so act quickly if you plan on staying at the hotel for
all of the weekend fun and you want the group rate.
CarolinaCon formal proceedings/talks will run;
- 7pm to 11pm on Friday
- 10am to 9pm on Saturday
- 10am to 4pm on Sunday
For presentation abstracts, speaker bios, the final schedule, side event
information, and all the other exciting details (as they develop and as our
webmaster gets to them) stay tuned to:
There are no advertisers, vendors, or sponsors allowed at CarolinaCon....ever.
Please don't waste your time or ours in asking.
CarolinaCon has been Rated "M" for Mature.
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