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[FD] CVE-2015-7323 - Secure Meeting (Pulse Collaboration) issue may allow authenticated users to bypass meeting authorization
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] CVE-2015-7323 - Secure Meeting (Pulse Collaboration) issue may allow authenticated users to bypass meeting authorization
- From: Profundis Labs <profundislabs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 15:57:32 +0200
Profundis Labs Security Advisory
Junos Pulse Secure Meeting
Secure Meeting is a part of the Junos Puls Collaboration software, which
allows you to organize and holding virtual meetings with internal and
external users via the Juniper Access Gateway.
Vulnerability Type:
Insufficient Authorization Checks
CVE Reference:
VENDOR Reference:
Vulnerability Details:
It is possible to enter "secure" meetings without knowledge of the password
and the invitation link using the java fat client (meetingAppSun.jar).
To access such meetings the following information is required: - A valid
sessionID (DSID). This sessionID can be obtained by either having an
invitation link to any other meeting or the user has a valid account to log
into junos pulse using the http login form. - The meeting ID The meeting ID
is a 7-8 digits number which may be gained using brute force or via
CVE-2015-7322 (https://profundis-labs.com/advisories/CVE-2015-7322.txt)
Note: The vulnerability is only related to the java fat client. If a user
tries to access a secure meeting using the web browser (
the meeting password (or invitation link) is required.
PoC code(s):
Example how to start the java fat client to access a meeting A from the
command line:
java -classpath
SecureMeetingApplication ivehost PARAM_D locale de log_level 1 meeting_type
0 Parameter0
uploadlog 1 home_dir "/home/..." user_agent "Mozilla/5.0" neoteris-dsid
PARAM_A = meeting ID of Meeting A
PARAM_B = md5 hash of the SSL-certifificate of Junos Pulse server
PARAM_C = a valid sessionID
PARAM_D = the domain/IP of the Junos Pulse server
Disclosure Timeline:
Vendor Notification: 01/2015
Vendor Confirmation: 03/2015
Vendor Patch Release: 06/2015
Public Disclosure: 09/2015
Affected Version:
Exploitation Technique:
Severity Level:
CVSS Score: 5.0 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N)
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