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[FD] ModX Revolution 2.3.5 - Reflected XSS

ModX Revolution 2.3.5-pl: Reflected Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Security Advisory – Curesec Research Team

1. Introduction

Affected Product:       ModX Revolution 2.3.5-pl        
Fixed in:               not fixed
Fixed Version Link:     n/a     
Vendor Contact:         hello@xxxxxxxx  
Vulnerability Type:     Reflected XSS   
Remote Exploitable:     Yes     
Reported to vendor:     07/14/2015      
Disclosed to public:    08/17/2015      
Release mode:           Full disclosure
CVE:    n/a     
Credits                 Tim Coen of Curesec GmbH        

2. Vulnerability Description

ModX Revolution 2.3.5-pl is vulnerable to reflected cross site
scripting. With this, it is possible to inject and execute arbitrary
JavaScript code. This can for example be used by an attacker to inject a
JavaScript keylogger, bypass CSRF protection, or perform phishing attacks.

The attack can be exploited by getting the victim to click a link or
visit an attacker controlled website.

3. Proof of Concept

The injection takes place into the file GET argument, which is echoed
inside script tags.

{"name":"","basename":"","path":"","size":false,"last_accessed":"Jan 01,
1970 01:00:00 AM","last_modified":"Jan 01, 1970 01:00:00
0});});alert(1); </script>&wctx=mgr&source=1

4. Code

        public function loadCustomCssJs() {

type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function() {
                    xtype: "modx-page-file-edit"
                    ,file: "'.$this->filename.'"
                    ,record: '.$this->modx->toJSON($this->fileRecord).'
                    ,canSave: '.($this->canSave ? 1 : 0).'

5. Solution

This issue was not fixed by the vendor.

5. Report Timeline

07/14/2015      Informed Vendor about Issue (no reply)
08/13/2015      Contacted Vendor again (no reply)
08/17/2015      Disclosed to public

6. Blog Reference:

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