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[FD] XXE Injection in NetIQ Access

Hello list!

I'll give you additional information concerning advisory Multiple high risk vulnerabilities in NetIQ Access Manager (http://securityvulns.ru/docs31510.html). There are five different vulnerabilities in the advisory. For my attack it's needed to use only one vulnerability, XML External Entities Injection (XXE), to conduct attacks on other web sites from target host.

Affected products:

NetIQ Access Manager version 4.0 SP1 and previous versions.

Affected vendors:



NetIQ Access Manager is vulnerable to XXE Injection.

Besides standard vectors of attacks with XXE Injection vulnerabilities (such as local file inclusion), which are usually mentioned in advisories, XXE Injection also allows to conduct attacks on other sites. And with using DAVOSET (DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool) it's possible to automate such attacks.

XML External Entities (XXE) (WASC-43):


I wrote about such attacks in my 2012's article "Using XML External Entities (XXE) for attacks on other sites" (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2012-August/008481.html) and 2013's "Using XXE vulnerabilities for attacks on other sites" (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2013-August/008887.html). As I described in my articles, XXE vulnerabilities can be used for conducting CSRF and DoS attacks on other sites (and at using multiple web sites it's possible to conduct DDoS attacks). And my tool DAVOSET can be used for conducting such attacks via XXE vulnerabilities.

Video demonstration of DAVOSET: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKi35-f346I

So all vulnerable versions of NetIQ Access Manager can be used for attacks on other sites via XXE Injection.

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

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