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[FD] CollabNet Subversion Edge weak password policy
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] CollabNet Subversion Edge weak password policy
- From: Oliver-Tobias Ripka <otr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 12:05:15 +0200
# Vuln Title: The CollabNet Subversion Edge Management Frontend does not
# implement a strong password policy
# Date: 28.06.2015
# Author: otr
# Software Link: https://www.open.collab.net/downloads/svnedge
# Vendor: CollabNet
# Version: 4.0.11
# Tested on: Fedora Linux
# Type: Lack of defensive measures
# Risk: Medium
# Status: public/fixed
# Fixed version: 5.0
2014-10-09 Flaw Discovered
2014-10-20 Vendor contacted
2014-10-21 Vendor response
2014-12-08 Vendor fix proposal
2014-12-08 Extension of embargo to 19.4.2015
2015-05-04 Extension of embargo until release of version 5.0
2015-05-18 Release of version 5.0 and public disclosure
The CollabNet Subversion Edge Management does not implement a strong password
policy. Passwords like "aaaaa" are allowed as the only requirement is that the
password is at least 5 characters long
Fix proposal:
Allow for a configuration option that enforces high password complexity.
Vendor fix:
The new default for passwords is to require at least 3 of the following
character classes: uppercase, lowercase, digits, and special characters. A
minimum length of 8 characters is also configurable.
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