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[FD] hardwear.io - Hardware Security Conference Call for Papers
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] hardwear.io - Hardware Security Conference Call for Papers
- From: Hardwear Team <hw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 12:59:21 +0530
Dear Hackers and Security Gurus,
hardwear is seeking innovative research on hardware security. If you
have done interesting research on attacks or mitigation on any
Hardware and want to showcase it to the security community, just
submit your research paper. Please find all the relevant details for
the submission below.
About hardwear.io
Somewhere in the mid of last year, amidst all the news and concerns
surrounding trust and backdoors in hardware equipment, Hardwear was
conceptualized to provide the IT and security community with a
platform to discuss and solve issues pertaining to hardware security.
The objective of the conference revolves around four key concerns in
hardware, firmware and related protocols i.e. backdoors, exploits,
trust and attacks (BETA).
Training: 29th - 39th Sept 2015
Conference: 1-2nd Oct 2015
The Hague, Netherlands
General Queries: antriksh@xxxxxxxxxxx
CFP Queries: cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx
hardwear accepts papers on any topic that discusses in-depth hardware
and firmware security both from the offensive as well as defensive
perspective. Some of the topics of interest include (but not limited
- Integrated Circuits
- Processors
- Internet of Things/Smart Devices
- Hardware crypto
- Embedded Systems
- Automobile, Aeroplane, train automation systems and hardware components
- Industrial Control Systems/SCADA Systems
- Satellite Systems
- Medical Devices
- Smartphone firmware, hardware
- Firmware
- Hardware pentesting
- Trusted Platform Module
- Radio communication Protocols and hardware
- Trust and assurance algorithms
- Multimedia hardware, firmware, protocols
- Telecom Hardware/Networks
- Electronic/Physical Locks
1. New Research (40 mins – 1 hr) – is a deep knowledge technical track
that includes new research, vulnerabilities, zero days or exploits.
And by new we really mean new i.e. if your research or talk has been
published/showcased before, it will fall under current research
category even though there are enhancements/changes to the original
2. Current Research (30 mins – 1 hr) – comprises of known security
issues, new research presented/published elsewhere, case studies,
twist to an existing research, vulnerability, exploit or
3. Tool (30 mins – 1 hr) – Comprises of open source security tools,
exploits, hardware etc. This is an excellent opportunity for the
original authors to showcase their work to the world.
Submission Format
Email the paper to: cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx
The subject should be: CFP EU 2015 <Paper Title>
Email Body:
Talk Category (Mentioned above i.e. research/technical/tool)
Time required (including 5-10 mins of QA)
Paper Title
Country (and City) of residence
Organization and Designation
Contact Number
Have you presented or submitted this paper at any other conference(s)
or magazine(s)?
Yes, No.
If yes, where? and how this submission is different from the previous
ones. Note that new research talks already given elsewhere or are due
to be given elsewhere prior to hardwear will be considered as current
research category talks unless they consist of cutting edge and ground
breaking technology, which is at the judgment of the review committee.
Are you releasing an open source hardware(or specification)?
(If yes, please include the design for review)
Are you releasing an exploit?
(If yes, please include the source and vulnerability details for review)
Are you releasing a new vulnerability/Zero-day?
(If yes, please send us the details, including reproduction procedure,
for review)
Why do you think your paper is different/innovative and how does it
qualify as new work/research(for new Research category only)?
Are there any live demonstrations (These earn you good points during review)?
(If Yes, how many? Also please explain each demo)
Brief Profile ( less than or equal to 500 Words)
Paper Abstract – Please provide detailed working or your
research/work. The more details you provide the better it is for the
reviewers. Please keep the abstract to the point. Please do not try to
hide the technical details or say “I can’t disclose it till bla bla”
as it does not help the reviewers in any way and may give your paper a
low score because of insufficient information available in the
Your high resolution photo (attached)
Only the original authors should submit their research and any
submission from a third party will be rejected. The Abstract should
clearly mention the techniques and hacks in detail and merely
mentioning that it works will not help in understanding the research
to its full extent. Product/company marketing and pitches will be
rejected. We request you not to submit any product specific talk.
Important Dates
CFP Opens: 15th May 2015
CFP Closes: 1st July 2015
Final list of speakers online: 15th July 2015
Speaker Benefits
1. For the New Research Category
- Travel Reimbursement (Either actuals or the below mentioned amounts,
whichever is less)
a. Speaker traveling from outside Europe (Based on actuals or Euro
1000 whichever is less)
b. Speaker traveling from within Europe (Based on actuals or Euro
250 whichever is less)
c. If your employer can afford (or pays for) your travel, we will
not reimburse anything from our end i.e. we will only reimburse if no
one is sponsoring your travel.
d. Please provide the receipts/invoice of the travel along with
tickets for reimbursement.
- Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights.
- Complimentary conference pass.
- Invitation to hardwear party.
2. For the Current Research and Tool Category
- Complimentary accommodation near the venue for 3 nights.
- Complimentary conference pass.
- Invitation to hardwear party.
* Only one speaker will be eligible for the benefits in case there are
two or more speakers for a talk.
** By submitting a paper and agreeing to talk, the speaker gives
hardwear the right to post, publish, re-distribute online and offline,
soft and/or hard copies of his/her presentation material including
slides, source code, design specifications, detailed paper and the
recorded video of the talk.
Best Regards,
Antriksh | Aseem | Murtuja
Unorganizers of hardwear
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