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[FD] XML Injection, AoF and BF vulnerabilities in Hikvision DS-7108HWI-SH

Hello list!

There are vulnerabilities in Hikvision DS-7108HWI-SH.

These are XML Injection, Abuse of Functionality and Brute Force vulnerabilities. All these vulnerabilities are present in other IP cameras and DVR of Hikvision.

Affected vendors:


Affected products:

Vulnerable are the next models with different versions of firmware: Hikvision DS-7108HWI-SH and other IPC, DVR and NVR of Hikvision, the list of models I wrote earlier (http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Mar/161).

As Hikvision answered me at 01.03.2015, they didn't want to fix Abuse of Functionality vulnerability, but they will fix Brute Force vulnerability in firmware in the beginning of this year. And they fixed XML Injection vulnerability last year.

Hikvision fixed XML Injection in firmware for DVR/NVR in V3.2.0 and for IPC in V5.2.0 and fixed Brute Force in the last firmware.


XML Injection (WASC-23):


It can be used for XML Injection and XSS attacks.

Abuse of Functionality (WASC-42):

Login is persistent: admin (only logins for users can be changed). Which simplify Brute Force attack.

Brute Force (WASC-11):

In login form http://site/doc/page/login.asp there is no protection against Brute Force attacks. Which allows to pick up password (if it was changed from default).

I found this and other web cameras during summer to watch terrorists activities in Donetsk and Lugansks regions of Ukraine and also I took under control web cameras in Russia (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2015-April/009090.html).

I mentioned about these vulnerabilities at my site (http://websecurity.com.ua/7405/).

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

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