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Re: [FD] #WorldPenguinDay or this cant be right, can it?
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [FD] #WorldPenguinDay or this cant be right, can it?
- From: PIN <zero@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 10:23:08 -0400
Step 0) invoke python (on linux)
Step 1) input print(hex(id("__main__") & ~4095))
Step 2) Take output of (1) and subtract that number from the base of libc's
base address (or another library); this is your offset and seems to only
vary by compiled image (for me, with 3.3.5 its 0xb4f000.
Step 3) print(hex((id("__main__") & ~4095) - 0xb4f000))
Step 4) The output of (3) should be a stable offset from a given mmap()'d
segment to the base of libc.
0. This seems to vary per compiled image, although different optimizations
have not impacted this outcome, it is expected that some series of compiler
flags could change this.
1. The offset will vary depending on the /order/ of the mmap you are at and
the size of the mmap; larger mappings end up at the bottom of the virtual
address space, smaller tend to group after the first segment of ld.so
2. So, with an RPM or similarly compiled image and knowledge of the call
state, a leaked address to a mmap'd section of memory should be enough to
discern the entire address space layout of a linux process.
Can anyone else confirm this behavior? ...
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 9:40 PM, PIN <zero@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> TL;DR version:
> /* really? can other people confirm this behavior pls?
> *
> * if the guess is off for you, by how many, and can you please
> * indicate what compiler version and flags you used?
> *
> * ive tried with gcc 4.9.2 and 4.8.3 only on kernel 4.0.0 and glibc 2.20
> * i suspect its going to be an issue with the loader and kernel and
> sys_mmap.
> *
> * gcc -m64 -s -fpic -pie -o mmap mmap.c
> */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> signed int
> main(void)
> {
> char* ptr = malloc(256*1024);
> /* ptr - 16 = mapping base (sizeof(struct malloc_chunk)) 64-bit
> * - 0x564000 = ld-2.20.so base - mapping base + ld-2.20.so.base -
> libc-2.20 base
> */
> printf("libc: %p\n", (ptr-16-0x564000));
> return EXIT_SUCCESS;
> }
> Full-text version:
> While looking at things entirely unrelated, I happened to notice a few
> things about Linux ASLR.
> The first is that modules are loaded in the same order each time and
> appears to be english alphabetical; they second was that the first mmap's
> seem to always occupy a sequential order in the address space, depending
> largely on the size of the mapping. Rather large ones seem to bias towards
> the beginning of the address space immediately preceeding the first loaded
> module, and smaller mappings bias towards the end of the address space
> after the first mapped section of ld.
> Then I started looking a little more and I noticed that the spacing
> between modules seems constant, for instance, 1000 runs of vsftpd yielded
> 1000 different addresses for the loaded modules, however the spacing
> between them all was always constant.
> Libattr is first, followed by libc, and the loader is always last but
> before the vdso/etc and the executable (if PIE) and the stack/etc.
> So noting this, I was able to malloc() a large enough section of memory to
> hit the mmap threshhold, but small enough to get it loaded immediately
> under the loader. Then with knowledge of that pointer, I can subtract the
> size of the heap metadata back to the base of the mapping, then from that
> subtract a constant value to the loader, and from that subtract a constant
> value to the first loaded library.
> I noted that this constant value seems dependent on the executable itself,
> sometimes when I added/removed portions of the program and recompiled, my
> calculations from ld to libc (in my instance) was off, but the calculations
> from the mapping to ld were always correct. Then while trying to discern
> that behavior, it disappeared on me and the guess was always correct again.
> So, if this is actual behavior and its not just that the NSA has breached
> my virtual machine and is screwing with me (joke), then:
> 0. With knowledge of the target binary, such as from an RPM and;
> 1. With the ability to obtain an allocation large enough to trigger mmap
> behavior and;
> 2. With knowledge of the order of the mapping your allocation (waves hands
> around)
> 3. With a leak of a pointer inside of the mapped area that you can
> calculate back to the base
> 4. You can calculate the base address of any library that is loaded,
> providing there isnt a bunch of dlopen/dlclose type calls
> Given that a key aspect of process isolation in the unix world revolves
> around fork(), it seems likely that an intruder would generally be able to
> calculate what number sequentially and what size mappings came before them,
> so its a little less hand wavey than it seems.
> Really? This can't be right...
> Attachment manifest:
> - parse-libs.sh
> - file.pl
> Poor richards 30 second scripts to parse the output of /proc/pid/maps
> for the 1000 runs of vsftpd and output a file containing the module to
> module differences
> - Makefile
> - mmap.c
> - mapgo.sh
> Poor richards 30 seconds scripts and C file to try to guess the address
> of libc based on knowledge of the address of a mmap whose order is know
> --
> So we have no queen, the food is strange and it's not dark at all. I say
> we try to escape for a bit, stick some gel to the side of the tank and then
> die in weird places.
So we have no queen, the food is strange and it's not dark at all. I say we
try to escape for a bit, stick some gel to the side of the tank and then
die in weird places.
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