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[FD] Multiple Buffer Overflows in .NetFramework v4.03 - Win 8.0 Pro - x64

Multiple Buffer Overflows in .NetFramework v4.03
Researcher: Nicholas Prowse
 Filename: ngen.exe
 MD5: ca72696a9861f14cf76f1637b8e6bc44File size: 139264 bytes
 Operating System: Windows 8.0
 OS Version: Pro
 Architecture: x64
 Description: MS Common Language Runtime Native Compiler
 Image Path: C:\Windows\.Microsoft.NET\Frameworkv4.0.30319\ngen.exe
 Operations (Registry Activity): RegQueryValue and RegEnumKey
 Registry Keys referenced:    
and its Subkeys
   - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NetFramework\v2.0.50727\NGenService\Roots and its 
   - HKU\.Default\Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachinePreferedUILanguages
Proof-of-concept or exploit code:     None availableImpact:     Not yet known
Steps to reproduce:Install Windows 8.0 x64 from disk. Once installed started 
capture with Procmon v3.1. Started Diagnostic Troubleshooting Wizard. Multiple 
entries with "Buffer overflow" visible in Process Monitor capture.

Further info:Pml file of capture is available for further investigation 
including possible Stack Trace.- The same .pml file contains Diagnostic 
Troubleshooting Wizard Buffer overflows that has been reported to Microsoft via 
email separately.

The issue has been made publicly available on 11/03/2015 on 
www.nicholasprowse.co.uk/vulnerability-research.htmlEmailed MS on 
12/03/2015.Received email from MSRC on 12/03/2015 opening case.

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