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[FD] [Call For Papers] BSides Knoxville, TN - May 15th 2015

Calling all Makers, Hackers, Red Teams, Blue Teams, or anyone who wants to rant 
about security and privacy! The first ever BSides Knoxville is scheduled for 
May 15th, 2015 @ Scruffy City Hall, and we’re looking for creative, 
cutting-edge presentations.  Whether you’ve devised a new attack against 
internet-connected gas pumps or discovered a new behavioral analysis technique 
for identifying botnet C&C, we want to hear from you!  Attacking, defending, 
threat intelligence, privacy issues, reverse engineering, philosophy; if it has 
a security, hacking, or privacy angle, BSides Knoxville is interested!

If you want to shape Appalachia’s view on security, please submit a short 
abstract describing your contribution at:


Key CFP dates and deadlines:

- CFP Opening: Feb. 1st, 2015
- Early Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2015
- Early Submission Notification: March 7th, 2015
- Final Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2015
- Final Notifications: April 7th, 2015


The event will be held at Scruffy City Hall in Knoxville, TN.

Further information available here: https://bsidesknoxville.com/

Adam Caudill

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