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[FD] Rooted CON 2015 - Call For Papers

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RootedCON 2015 - 'Call for Papers'


-=] About RootedCON

RootedCON is a security congress that will take place between 5th and 7th March 
2015 in Madrid (Spain).

With an estimated capacity between 1300 and 2000 people, is one of the largest 
specialized conferences ever undertaken in the country and one of the largest 
in Europe, with
profiles of attendees ranging from students, state forces, through market 
professionals in IT security or simply technology enthusiasts.

-=] Types of talks

Two type of talks will be accepted:

- Fast talks:           20 minutes.
- Standard talks:       50 minutes.

There will be a limited number of each of the types and may even adapt the
calendar for an interesting talk extends beyond 20 minutes or, for specific 
needs, reducing a 50 minutes one.

In this sixth edition, we are searching breaking talks, disruptive ones, 
international speakers, even talks with topics not directly related to 
security, but with technology, lifestyle, culture…

-=] Proposal for workshops

In this edition we want to open a space in order to do dedicated workshops. 
Especially we are interested in:

- Hardware workshops: arduhacking, rasphacking, ...
- Electronic workshops: drivers, pics, …
- 3D printer workshop.
- ORIGINAL workshops related to technology and creativity.

The approach involves workshops for compensation, unless the speaker requests 
otherwise. The renumbering would once covered the costs of the workshop, 

*For more details about workshops: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

-=] International speakers

We are very interested in international speakers, so please do not hesitate to 
enroll your talk.

It is important to indicate the needs you may have on traveling and 
accommodation, and mark the language you want to use in your talk.

[ES] - Spanish  [EN] - English

-=] Topics

Any relevant topic associated with the concept of TECHNOLOGY, for example, and 
not being these the only topics that interest us:

- Hacking, cracking, phreaking, virii, WiFi, VoIP, GSM...
- Critical Infrastructure Security, SCADA environments...
- Hardware Hacking, Jtag, SWJ, Dap, ...
- Console and gaming hacking.
- Mobile terminals: android, iOS, Windows mobile, Firefox OS…
- Technology Workshops
- Drones
- Reverse engineering, debugging, hooking, fuzzing, exploiting,...
- Innovative tools and techniques both for defense and attack.
- APT, botnets and malware.
- (In)security cloud, virtual environments,...
- Cryptographical techniques, steganography, covert channels,...
- Forensics and antiforensics.
- Networking, level2 and level3,...
- Very original talks like the kind of audience we have...
- Philosophy and ethics, future, innovation…
- VERY ORIGINAL TALKS, such as stand-up comedy, entertainments…

In the last edition, there were popular talks related to "Hardware Hacking", 
robots behavior modification, specialized hardware, or even devices creation. 
Related Keywords: Drones, Arduino, *copters, Roomba, alarms, Jtag, cameras ...

For this edition, we are especially interested in 0days vulnerabilities and all 
kinds of security problems in whatever critical infrastructures or platforms.

-=] Papers submission procedure

We only accept talks submissions through the online form which has been 
prepared for this purpose:

https://www.rootedcon.com/cfp2015-en/   (english)
https://www.rootedcon.com/cfp2015-es/   (spanish)

Any other submission method will not be considered as "official" and will not 
be evaluated by the selection team.

-=] Schedule and milestones

10th Oct 2014           -       Launch of Call for papers
8th Dic 2014            -       Call For Papers closing
Dic 2014                -       Get in touch and interviews with the speakers 
for final confirmation.
Jan 2013                -       Publication of speakers schedule.

*4th Feb 2015           -       Speakers materials submission to Rooted*

4th Mar 2015            -   Speakers dinner
7th - 9th Mar 2015      -       /RootedCON2015

** Unjustified delays in delivery of materials can impact coverage 
travel expenses and accommodation, as well as other benefits that may be 
acquired as a speaker.

-=] Benefits and privileges as speaker

Each speaker will receive the following benefits and privileges:

- A dinner with the rest of the speakers, RootedLabs teachers and RootedCON 
- Accommodation (costs assumed by the organization)
- Travel (costs assumed by the organization)
- Full access to the whole congress
- Some free drinks at the party ;)
- Management of potential job opportunities.
- A surprise in gratitude for participation.

*** Enter in the competition for best talk, getting a prize of 1,000 euros 
in case of winning. 

*** If your talk you show a 0day or a particularly innovative technique will 
reward you with 
an amount between 100 and 1,000 euros (depending on the assessment of the 
submitted). The assessment of 0day 
will be conducted by an external evaluator committee, with the participation of 
some members of the Organization and people outside it.

This committee will evaluate if 0day is real, is worthy of an award, and the 

-=] Duties and responsibilities of speakers

All speakers selected to present their talks at RootedCON 2015 will must:

a) Confirm that the presented paper is TECHNICAL and accompanied by a PROOF OF 

b) Send the material of the talk PRIOR to the dates of the Congress. Within the
submission of material is important to include details about the demos that 
will be performed.

c) Develop the slides according to the RootedCON 2015 official templates.

d) Explicitly accept that the materials presented, as well as video and audio 
made shall be published in either mechanisms RootedCON content management or
other media in the future. RootedCON *won't censor* any of the materials, 
media publication or whatever mechanisms by which are made accessible to the 
public and the congress attendees.

-=] Sponsors and Partners

RootedCON is always looking for quality sponsors and partners. If you have a 
proposal or
you think your company may be interested, please contact us at:


IMPORTANT: Due to the highly technical subject of the congress, and the 
preferences shown by attendees
in multiple surveys, we encourage potential sponsors who intend to have a slot 
as speaker attempting to adapt as far as possible to the tastes of most
RootedCON asset you have: its audience.

Any help, comments, ideas, suggestions or collaborations that we should do get 
will be considered and
valued with all its importance: it is very important for the Congress to 
receive such proposals, and
they depend on you to organize the best event possible.

-=] Critical points to consider

1. Time management and the duration of the talks are one of the
critical points in the Congress. Rather, they should ask for a longer talk
than trying to rush twenty minutes, without allowing time for audience 

2. It will be appreciated EXCLUSIVE talks, which
not previously published in any other forum, blog, website, event or conference.

3. We believe in the responsible Full-disclosure so, if the idea is to present a
Zero-Day, we want confirmation from that has contacted the manufacturer / 
victim, if this
contact has not been made, we offer to manage the contact.

4. A cause for termination of the relationship between the Speaker and 
RootedCON is to not deliver
of (every) material on the date indicated.

5. PLEASE, it's very important to * CLEARLY * indicate if accommodation and
travel is needed or not when you submit your proposal, Rooted
reserves the right not to meet such needs if it is not initially requested.

-=] How to contact:


-=] Our links

- Web: http://www.rootedcon.com/en/
- Twitter: @rootedcon #rooted y #rooted2015
- Facebook: http://bit.ly/fbookrooted
- LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinrooted
- Rooted mailing-list (spanish): rootedcon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/rootedcon
- Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/rootedconmadrid
- Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/rootedcon
- RootedIRC Network: /connect -ssl irc.rootedcon.es 9999 #rootedcon
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RootedCON - www.rootedcon.es

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