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Re: [FD] FireFox: Lab Mouse Security: Remote Code Execution via Browser (LZO)

On 9 July 2014 18:50, Lee <curtlee2002@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I know nothing about this, but some friends kept posting a link to this
> video.  I saw nothing about this in the mailing list, so I thought I would
> post it to see if others have more info.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcCDETzk4zc

Well the video is allegedly uploaded by Don Bailey, who is the person
who did the LZO/LZ4 bug research that was recently responsibly
reported on the OSS list(s).  And I did notice at the time that one of
the postings [1] in the ensuing discussion, from Yves-Alexis Perez,
gave a list of potentially affected open-source software which had
been identified by a source-code-scanning service.  That list included
Firefox ... and since then I've been holding my breath waiting for the
other shoe to drop.

Maybe this is that other shoe.

I know nothing about the Firefox source-code, or where exactly the
vulnerable use of LZO/LZ4 might be.

But it's odd that there hasn't been a peep out of Mozilla (e.g. no
emergency release announced for ESR or any other channel), despite the
vulnerability having been disclosed responsibly on private vendor
mailing lists, with a patch available, and plenty of time to
coordinate binary releases.

Hey - maybe the bug is real, but the Youtube clip was uploaded by a
Bad Guy pretending to be Don, and all those of us (367 at time of
writing) who viewed the clip are now pwned :-)

Dammit - if only we'd all signed up for keybase.io's weirdo
GPG-key-identifying service [2] then we could all have known whether
Youtube Don is really LZO Don ...

Exciting times.

[1] http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q2/676
[2] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2014/Jun/102

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 ~~ A.M. Greeley

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