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Re: [FD] Back To The Future: Unix Wildcards Gone Wild

On 28/06/2014 11:26, steel-wing@xxxxxxx wrote:
Unfortunately, this analysis is just as flawed as defencecode's.
Programs like 'rm' are even less "to blame" for this than the shell.
As to the proposed solution:
What you are suggesting is to have rm attempt to match every
option passed to it against every file single before said file
is to be removed. Correct?

The approach is simpler than that. Recognising that passed options could be the result of expansion, rm could see whether any file or directory names match a pattern that would look like an option if they appeared on the command line and require an override in this case; in effect, directory entry sanitisation. It would not be concerned about whether unexpected options are safe or not, or even whether they are valid options at all. This could work very nicely, be provided as a standard library routine, and is not flawed in principle. A wrinkle is in the recursive case, as unless there is a full scan before delete, it will not be possible to know whether there are option looking filenames before some file have already been deleted, which could be undesirable. An option to do recursive
sanitisation could solve that.

Of course, defensive programming can avoid issues, such as never using wildcards with rm or disabling wildcard expansions, and one could take the view that if a user doesn't take such precautions then they are "asking for it". Unfortunately, even clued up users will at times, or perhaps habitually, fall short of best practice though, and application designers can help mitigate disaster by thoughtful design and moderate protections for the end user. From a purist standpoint whether "rm" *should* have such protection is debatable, but perhaps it should on the Unix
distributions intended for beginners.


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