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[FD] HP Enterprise Maps 1.00 Authenticated XXE

HP Enterprise Maps 1.00 Authenticated XXE vulnerability


Any user that has the ability to import a file to create an artifact (most,
if not all authed users?)

can upload a specially crafted WSDL that will read files such as

If you download the OVA available, then log in as vagrant:vagrant over ssh,
you should see a

series of commands followed by a bash prompt. Follow the instructions
printed, I also followed the instruction to install the demo data.

After this, you have two accounts available, ‘admin’ and ‘demoapprover’.
Both have the

password ‘changeit’.

You may log in as either of these users, and import the following WSDL as a
file (Import menu

item -> File), then follow the first link to the ‘GetQuote’ method when it
finishes parsing the

WSDL. The /etc/passwd file will be listed at the top.

Example WSDL: https://gist.github.com/brandonprry/470bb4ec7d019cbfe4e6

Image of page once exploited: http://imgur.com/14eAOCw

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