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[FD] Android KeyStore Stack Buffer Overflow (CVE-2014-3100)
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] Android KeyStore Stack Buffer Overflow (CVE-2014-3100)
- From: Roee Hay <roeeh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 21:49:48 +0300
We have discovered a stack-based buffer overflow in the Android
KeyStore service which affects Android 4.3 and below. The issue was
patched in Android 4.4.
The vulnerability is identified as CVE-2014-3100.
More details are available at:
1. Blog post: http://ibm.co/1pbk4yH
2. Advisory: http://slidesha.re/1nxBnmY
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