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Re: [FD] Introducing APSAM - Beyond Military Grade Security
- To: "J. Oquendo" <joquendo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [FD] Introducing APSAM - Beyond Military Grade Security
- From: Jack Morgan <kuriosly@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:10:44 -0700
I fear that its too late for AP$AM. I believe it has already been
compromised by the true foe. After all, It has been turned from a possible
beacon of safety in these troubled times, to yet another harbour for those
"Nation-States" to slither into and out of our systems like the foe they
are. After all, can we yet trust that which has none?
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 5:18 AM, J. Oquendo <joquendo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Security researchers develop AP$AM the most advanced, and
> persistent, threat information valuation services.
> In an effort to combat advanced, malicious hackers
> worldwide, researchers have developed a unique, and proven
> methodology to locate and attribute, high level,
> sophisticated attacks.
> "We see nation states all the time. They come in and out
> of networks, lurking like ghosts. They're advanced,
> they're persistent, and they likely have nuclear cyber
> packets. Some even have horrific names like UglyGorilla.
> They seem to ONLY emanate from China, and when they don't
> we quickly re-assess, and re-label them as Chinese. It's
> slowly becoming Cyber Pearl Harbor. From China!. An
> electronic cybergeddon" said Patrick Kilpatrick, a Senior
> Suicidal Security Engineer.
> AP$AM allows for digital, analog, and electronic
> processing of mission critical information. The secret is
> in the patent pending $uper Holistic Intelligence and
> Techniques approach we use to mitigate against threats
> from the cloud, mobile, radar, telekinetic, and Von Eck
> threats. AP$AM contains CyBOX, MAEC, CAPEC, STIX, and
> TAXII capabilities which are answered in the FAQs
> http://apsam.infiltrated.net/faqs.html
> US based Infiltrated Networks founded in 2004, is a
> boutique security, and research group composed of one
> individual, and his personas. They are internationally
> known, to rock a microphone.
> http://apsam.infiltrated.net/
> --
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> J. Oquendo
> "Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of
> real peace" - Dalai Lama
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