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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

>Then that also means that firewalls and IPS systems are worthless. Why
spend so much time protecting the network layers if a user can send any
file of choice to a remote network through http...
well, if you are running a file upload system, or any webserver, you really
should block any incoming traffic to port 80, and if you can't of course
your IPS knows what a video file is and can whitelist that /s
That's why server-side controls are in place, and your POC doesn't show you
circumventing them.
>As for the uploaded files being persistent, there is evidence of that.
No. You have evidence they were uploaded. You don't have evidence they will
stay forever. When reporting a vulnerability, please try to not include
hyperbole, the reporters will do that for you.
>For instance a remote admin could be tricked to execute some of
the uploaded files
As I said, your uploaded files are not accessible to any user, unless you
prove me wrong. They are not executable (in the context of the webserver)
for any remote user, unless you can prove me wrong. They are not executable
in the context of an admin browsing the server content, unless the guys at
youtube made a major mistake, and you can't tell if they are, and neither
can I.
> (Social Engineering).
Ohai, youtube admin, could you please copy that file I can't give you the
path of, or even the server where it resides, to your home folder and
please chmod it 777 and then run it? For debugging purposes obviously

Have a nice day, and may the bug elves fill your socks with awesome


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Nicholas Lemonias. <
lem.nikolas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Then that also means that firewalls and IPS systems are worthless. Why
> spend so much time protecting the network layers if a user can send any
> file of choice to a remote network through http...
> As for the uploaded files being persistent, there is evidence of that.
> For instance a remote admin could be tricked to execute some of
> the uploaded files (Social Engineering).
> So our report sent as part of Google's security program, should not be
> treated as a non-security issue.
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:23 PM, R D <rd.seclists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm going to try to spell it out clearly.
>> You don't have unrestricted file upload[1]. Keep in mind you're trying to
>> abuse youtube, which is essentially a video file upload service. So the
>> fact that you can upload files is not surprising.
>> Now you're uploading non-video files. Cool. But not earth-shattering.
>> They are not accessible to anyone but you, as far as I can tell, and I
>> don't even think you can access the file contents on the remote server, but
>> please prove me wrong on both points.
>> You are still, as far as I can tell, bound by the per-file and
>> per-account quota on disk occupation, so you don't have a DoS by resource
>> exhaustion.
>> You can't force server-side file path, so you don't have RFI or DoS by
>> messing with the remote file system. You can't execute the files you
>> uploaded, so you don't have arbitrary code execution.
>> But you are right about what your PoC does. You bypassed a security
>> control, you uploaded crap on youtube servers, and by that you exhausted
>> their resources by a fraction of the quota they allow you when signing up.
>> BTW, I don't think they keep invalid video files for an indefinite period
>> of time in a user account, but I might be wrong.
>> The burden of proof is still on your side as to whether or not the bug
>> you found has any impact that was not already accepted by youtube allowing
>> registered users to upload whatever crap they see fit as long as it is
>> video. You failed to provide this proof, and please be sure the audience of
>> fulldisclosure is not "attacking the researcher" but working with you to
>> have a better understanding of the bug you found, even though you kinda
>> acted like a fool in this thread.
>> Please keep on searching and finding vulns, please keep on publishing
>> them, and use this as a learning experience that not all bugs or control
>> bypasses are security vulnerabilities.
>> --Rob'
>> [1] As per OWASP (
>> https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Unrestricted_File_Upload):
>> >There are really two classes of problems here. The first is with the
>> file metadata, like the path and file name. These are generally provided by
>> the transport, such as HTTP multi-part encoding. This data may trick the
>> application into overwriting a critical file or storing the file in a bad
>> location. You must validate the metadata extremely carefully before using
>> it.
>> Your POC doesn't demonstrate that.
>> >The other class of problem is with the file size or content. The range
>> of problems here depends entirely on what the file is used for. See the
>> examples below for some ideas about how files might be misused. To protect
>> against this type of attack, you should analyze everything your application
>> does with files and think carefully about what processing and interpreters
>> are involved.
>> Your POC kinda does that, but you didn't provide proof it's possible to
>> execute what you uploaded, either using social engineering or any other
>> method.
>> Also, please don't say "verified by a couple of recognised experts
>> including OWASP" unless you actually spoke with someone @owasp and she
>> validated your findings.
>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Nicholas Lemonias. <
>> lem.nikolas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> We have many PoC's including video clips. We may upload for the security
>>> world to see.
>>> However, this is not the way to treat security vulnerabilities.
>>> Attacking the researcher and bringing you friends to do aswell, won't
>>> mitigate the problem.
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