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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Re: Bank of the West security contact?

On Feb 9, 2014 11:53 AM, <doxingtheidiots@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Justin - I think we're all pretty tired of your lack of maturity.
 There's a reason why you're no longer at IOActive,

Oh probably a lack of sleazy.

> and I think its about time everyone knew the real you.  Doing a Google
search on you turned up quite a bit of interesting information, including
this dox on you by the people you burned a few years back when you were
trying to become a member of Anonymous with all your conspiracy theories:
> http://dumpz.org/218006/text/

If you only knew )

> Oh, and I think we will all get a kick out of your photos:


> Greg
> Sent using Hushmail
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