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[Full-disclosure] CALL FOR PAPERS - NUIT DU HACK - 28/29 JUNE 2014



If you’re reading this, you know what NDH and a CFP stands for, so I
won’t bother you that long.
- Conference format: 45min, including 5 to 10min of Q&A
- Submission: https://submit.hackerzvoice.net
- Deadline: April 19th
- Announcement: April 22th
- CTF Quals: April 5-6th
- Beer, kudos, awkward hugs, travel expenses, and many more for the
lucky ones.

If you’re not familiar with all this, let us present you Le French
Hacking conference: La Nuit du Hack, along with some froggy words that
will certainly help when you’ll be among us in Paris, and also because
we didn’t find any other way to write this CFP without sounding boring.

0x001. “L’apéritif” / Introduction

“L’apéritif” (/ɑːˌpɛɹɪˈtiːf/, /əˌpɛɹɪˈtiːf/) Borrowing from French
“apéritif”: An alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetizer.

The “Nuit Du Hack” conference was initiated in 2003 by the French
hacking group: HackerZvoice. This event has been gathering people
willing to learn and share their knowledge around lectures and
challenges since. Originally reuniting 20 persons, the Nuit Du Hack has
never stopped growing by gathering more and more people from passionate
to the professional area.
Since 2010, in order to improve the quality and the accessibility of
this event, talks and workshops in English are possible.
In 2013, the event announced several lecturers of international reknown
and rallied more than 1500 fans including more than 50 challengers
fighting in teams.

The 13th edition of the Nuit Du Hack will be held at Disneyland Paris
convention center on June 28th, 2014. So if you’re interested in
Hacking, This is Le place to be if you’re in Paris during the summer. Mkay?

0x010. “À la carte” / Topics

“À la carte” (/æ.ləˈkɑː(ɹ)t/, /æ.læˈkɑː(ɹ)t/): Borrowing from French à
la carte ("on the menu; according to the card"), Allowing selection from
a fixed list of individually priced options shown on the menu.

As every CFP out there, here is the list of what we would love to see.
But again, if the subject of your research is not listed here, feel free
to submit it anyway. “The unique must be fulfilled” as she said.
- Advances in reverse engineering
- Vulnerability research and exploitation
- Penetration testing and security assessment
- Malware analysis and new trends in malicious codes
- Forensics, IT crime & law enforcement
- Privacy issues: LPM, LOPPSI, HADOPI, - Industrial espionage, cyberwar
- Process of submission.
- Low-level hacking (console security & mobile devices)

0x011. “Déjà vu” / How to submit

“Déjà vu” (dā"zhä vo͞o',/ˌdeɪ.ʒɑː ˈvuː/) Borrowing from French. From
déjà, “already”, + vu, “seen”, past participle of voir, “to see”,
Something which one has or suspects to have seen or experienced before,
especially when that’s not the case.

We made it as easy as browsing the link: submit.hackerzvoice.net & Just
follow instructions.
Submissions should contain the following elements:
- The biography of each author
- A short abstract of your presentation
- The plan and summary of your research, including technical
information; in particular novel research with regards to the state of
the art
- An estimation of your expenses (trip and hotel) and beer consumption
(we’re serious).
Note: presentations will take about 45 minutes, including 5 to 10
minutes of questions.

0x100. “En masse” / Workshop

“En masse” (/ɒn ˈmæs/, /õ ˈmæs/) : in a single body or group; together.

Same for workshops, we’ll be happy to see you gathering people and
teaching them [insert your beloved research theme]. Just connect to
submit.hackerzvoice.net to fill your info:
- The biography of each author
- A short abstract of your workshop
- Notify us if you need some specific material

0x101. “Soirée” / Call for DJs for the “Crash Party”

“Soirée” (/swa.ʁe/) : Even if, in English, it refers to an elegant
party, in French it only means “evening”.

We are also looking for Musicians/DJs that are interested in playing
during La Nuit du Hack.
Again, submit your info in submit.hackerzvoice.net
If you can include some of your sounds, that would be great!

0x110. “Rendez-vous” / Upcoming dates

“Rendez-vous” (/ˈɹɑndəˌvu/, /ˈɹɑndeɪ̯ˌvu/): From rendez, second person
plural, imperative, of se rendre (“to go (to)”) + vous (“you”).

- Deadline: April 19th
- Announcement: April 22th
- CTF Quals: April 5-6th
- Hack In Paris: June 23-27th
- Nuit Du Hack: June 28-29th

0x111. “Le Champagne” / Contact & Social Networks

Do I really need to draw you a picture of what Champagne is? Let’s
celebrate together!

Contact: communication [at] hackerzvoice [dot] com
Sponsoring: Sponsors [at] hackerzvoice [dot] com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hackerzvoice
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nuitduhack

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/