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[Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-004 - Secure Cookie Data - Faulty Hashing
- To: security-news@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-004 - Secure Cookie Data - Faulty Hashing
- From: security-news@xxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 17:31:21 +0000 (UTC)
View online: https://drupal.org/node/2179099
* Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2014-004
* Project: Secure Cookie Data [1] (third-party module)
* Version: 7.x
* Date: 2014-January-22
* Security risk: Moderately critical [2]
* Exploitable from: Remote
* Vulnerability: Information Disclosure, Multiple vulnerabilities
This module allows for storing data securely in a cookie through implementing
the Secure Cookie Protocol [3].
.... Ability to alter trusted data in the cookie
The module did an incorrect comparison of the HMAC [4] value, allowing a
bypass of the HMAC verification which allows changing the cookie value.
.... Known encryption key value
The key for the HMAC provided a default that was hardcoded. The module relied
on the extension of the base class to provide a per site specific key.
* /A CVE identifier [5] will be requested, and added upon issuance, in
accordance with Drupal Security Team processes./
* Secure Cookie Data 7.x-2.x versions prior to 7.x-2.1.
Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed Secure Cookie
Data [6] module, there is nothing you need to do.
-------- SOLUTION
Install the latest version:
* If you use the Secure Cookie Data module upgrade to Secure Cookie Data
7.x-2.1 [7]
Also see the Secure Cookie Data [8] project page.
-------- REPORTED BY
* Heine Deelstra [9] of the Drupal Security Team
* Jonathan Kuma [10] module maintainer
-------- FIXED BY
* Antonio Almeida [11] and Jonathan Kuma [12] the module maintainers.
* Heine Deelstra [13] and Greg Knaddison [14] of the Drupal Security Team
The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the
contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [15].
Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [16], writing
secure code for Drupal [17], and securing your site [18].
Follow the Drupal Security Team on Twitter at
https://twitter.com/drupalsecurity [19]
[1] http://drupal.org/project/secure_cookie_data
[2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] http://www.cse.msu.edu/~alexliu/publications/Cookie/cookie.pdf
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash-based_message_authentication_code
[5] http://cve.mitre.org/
[6] http://drupal.org/project/secure_cookie_data
[7] https://drupal.org/node/2178505
[8] http://drupal.org/project/secure_cookie_data
[9] https://drupal.org/user/17943
[10] https://drupal.org/user/1919440
[11] https://drupal.org/user/8859
[12] https://drupal.org/user/1919440
[13] https://drupal.org/user/17943
[14] https://drupal.org/user/36762
[15] http://drupal.org/contact
[16] http://drupal.org/security-team
[17] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code
[18] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration
[19] https://twitter.com/drupalsecurity
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