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[Full-disclosure] [ANNOUNCE] eCL0WN for Android v1.0 released


I'm pleased to *finally* announce the release of eCL0WN for Android v1.0.

eCL0WN is an Android ePassport utility for NFC-enabled phones that allows you 
to read and clone your ePassport's chip content. The following functionality is 
implemented in the current release:

- Read passport data using a given authentication key (if needed).
- View passport details including the JPEG picture.
- Write passport data to an emulator chip.
- Write passport data to internal storage (not very secure).

Supported devices
eCL0WN requires an NFC-enabled phone running Android 2.3+.

eCL0WN reads ePassport files EF.COM, EF.SOD, EF.DG1 and EF.DG2. If present, the 
optional files EF.DG7, EF.DG11, EF.DG12, EF.DG13 and EF.DG15 will also be read. 
Retrieved data can be written to an ePassport emulator. Use Dexlab's 
epassport_emulator-v1.02 (or higher) as the target device. You need a JCOP card 
and a PC to prepare the emulator. Please refer to 
<http://dexlab.nl/downloads.html#emulator> for more details. Before writing 
files to the emulator all Active Authentication (AA) related, Extended Access 
Control (EAC) related and unknown files (if any) are  removed from index 
EF.COM. This allows one to bypass AA and EAC checks of inspection systems 
vulnerable to downgrade-attacks.

Note that eCL0WN does not comply with ICAO Doc 9303 at all. Please do not use 
it to check authenticity or integrity of machine readable travel documents.

Known problems
ePassport chips typically comply with the ISO/IEC 14443 A or B standard. The A 
standard is widely used in at least Western Europe and the US. The B standard 
is widely used in at least Asia. Antenna quality of some NFC-enabled Android 
devices is very poor (e.g. the Google Nexus S). If this is the case for your 
phone you won't be able to communicate with ISO/IEC 14443 type B ePassport 
chips. This is NOT an eCL0WN bug, this is a hardware problem.

Jeroen van Beek @ jeroen [at] dexlab [dot] nl

You can download the latest version of eCL0WN for Android in the Google Play 
Store <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dexlab.eCL0WN>.

Happy cl0wning!

Jeroen van Beek

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