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[Full-disclosure] new tool mbr_store-1.0.tar.gz and new version of hwk

Gruess Gott,

we just released a new tool: mbr_store and a new version of: hwk. Enjoy!

---> mbr_store

mbr_store-1.0.tar.gz @ http://www.nullsecurity.net/tools/backdoor.html

This tool stores up to 426 bytes in the MBR's bootloader code section of unused 
devices such
as usb drivers, hrd disks (which are not supposed to boot) and other media. 
GRUB detection is
implemented for safety reasons, Windows bootloader code will be shamelessly 
overwritten […]

---> hwk

hwk-0.4.tar.gz @ http://www.nullsecurity.net/tools/wireless.html

hwk is an easy-to-use wireless authentication and deauthentication tool. 
it also supports probe response fuzzing, beacon injection flooding, antenna 
alignment and
various injection testing modes. Information gathering is selected by default 
and shows the
incoming traffic indicating the packet types. […]

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@thc.org: y0, ihr macht dat rueschtig, s0!

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E-Mail: noptrix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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