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Re: [Full-disclosure] list of vulnerabilities discovered by realpentesting

For CVE-2013-5656 and CVE-2013-5660 we did a exploit in order to proof
the exploitabilty. You can find it in exploit-db, packet-storm, etc..

For the the other we just only proof them in our blog. You can get all
the information in the advisory page in realpentesting.blogspot.com


Hope i resolve some of your questions!

Pedro Guillén Núñez
Hacking as a way of live!

El 02/09/13 15:18, Z'micier Januszkiewicz escribió:
> With all due respect, good sir... where's the root cause analysis?
> Proof-of-concept files? Anything? Windbg dump doesn't really count as
> a proof, you know, since anyone can fake it.
> 2013/9/2 Pedro Guillen <pgn.pedroguillen@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:pgn.pedroguillen@xxxxxxxxx>>
>     HI all!
>     I'm part of realpentesting members and although these
>     vulnerability was
>     published some moths ago, now we can publicity with these CVEs
>     identifiers.
>     Also you can get more information about the vulnerablities which we
>     discovered in http://realpentesting.blogspot.com.es/p/advisories.html
>     Buffer overflow in fuzezip v.1.0 (CVE-2013-5656)
>     (http://realpentesting.blogspot.com.es/p/blog-page.html)
>     Mutiple vulnerabilities in pwstore 2010.8.30.0 (CVE-2013-5657
>     (DoS), CVE-2013-5658 (XSS))
>     http://realpentesting.blogspot.com.es/p/pwstore.html
>     User Mode Write Access Violation in Wiz 5.0.3 (CVE-2013-5659)
> http://realpentesting.blogspot.com.es/p/realpentesting-advisory-title-user-mode.html
>     Buffer overflow in Winarchiver V.3.2 (CVE-2013-5660)
>     http://realpentesting.blogspot.com.es/p/blog-page_3.html
>     This is the first time that i write to the list so sorry if i need to
>     put something different in the mail subject
>     Regards
>     Pedro Guillén Núñez
>     GXPN, OSCE
>     Hacking as a way of live!
>     _______________________________________________
>     Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>     Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>     Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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