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Re: [Full-disclosure] Potential security flaw in network implementation at Digitalocean.com

Would you mind sharing how you were getting other users' traffic? I am
unable to replicate this, I see only STP and occasional ARP using
# tcpdump -nni eth0 host not [my ip]


On 08/04/2013 08:22 PM, Johan Boger wrote:
> Hi,
> Today, I discovered that a certain large ISP specializing in cloud hosting (
> digitalocean.com), has misconfigured their network in a way that allows for
> anyone to monitor customer network traffic. Per the guidelines of
> responsible disclosure, I have informed the ISP in question both when I
> first noticed the issue, and also before going public with the information.
> As I am sure some of this info has already trickled out (or is perhaps
> already common knowledge - if so, I apologize), I feel it is paramount to
> get this information out there, so that customers and others who feel this
> is not something they want, can act accordingly (or at least take
> counter-measures to protect their information).
> What happened:
> I ordered a cloud vps (a very affordable one at that, I must say) at
> digitalocean.com, using the NYC node. During the process of checking MySQL
> replication between master and slave, I noticed there was a lot of
> background noise in tcpdump. I kept looking and when I eliminated the ports
> I was using, what was left was somewhat worrying. It seems DigitalOcean
> has, using KVM and libvirt per their own recognition, put the
> libvirt-interface in an overly large bridge, and then kept applying more
> and more networks (multiple /24, it seems). While this might be a
> convenient way of assigning new networks to an ever-growing customer stock,
> it also sort of turns the entire thing into an amateur radio station (using
> the word amateur here to denote the activity, not the skill level of
> Digitalocean staff!).
> I want to make one thing clear. This is one of the better cloud shops I
> have used (and I have used a lot). They seem to have excellent support,
> provide what they claim to provide, and my billing there so far amounts to
> less than a dollar (even though I've fiddled with lots of stuff). HOWEVER,
> this does not mean that I want to be able to read what goes on with various
> mail, ircd, web and Microsoft sql servers, in networks far outside of my
> logical reach, as a customer with one IPv4.
> I am not an angry ex-customer. I will keep using their services, if this is
> fixed. Which is exactly why I am sending this email. I hope that it might
> add extra motivation, before someone gets their environment hacked. The way
> it is now, anyone even remotely interested, could fire up a VPS in less
> than a minute, and have full sniffing capabilities with hundreds (if not
> thousands) of servers. All while customers are using said servers to
> develop what I can only assume is important enough to host in a cloud.
> I will not paste logs as that would add nothing to my disclosure, more than
> a possibility to exploit innocent users. I wish to encourage the community
> to take a few steps back and not engage in target practice, while
> Digitalocean undoubtedly remedies this situation (I have been in contact
> with them repeatedly before coming here).
> I hope that this helps, for whatever it's worth. I will happily answer any
> followups, as long as they do not include requests for additional probes.
> This is where my involvement ends. I leave this information in the hands of
> the community, and Digitalocean (who I hope reads this list).
> Best Regards,
> _______________________________________________
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