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Re: [Full-disclosure] WordPress User Account Information Leak / Secunia Advisory SA23621

There have been many heated debates within the community about this issue. Unfortunately, I think a different outcome is unlikely.

WordPress's position is (I think) that usernames aren't secret, and that therefore, username enumeration is a non-problem. I think this is extremely wrong, but it is what it is.

We solve this problem with a plugin that changes the login messages and ensures that invalid usernames will prepopulate the form, as well as valid ones.

We also look for [?|&]a=\d in the URL and remove any matches before the request hits apache, so that attackers can't run through ?a=1, ?a=2 etc looking for redirects to author pages (which include usernames in the URL_.

I've attached the relevant code, but it would need a little work in order to run outside our infrastructure. It is a bit fragile, and would need to be changed if WordPress's login errors changed - currently, there is not a more robust way to do it, as far as we know. Feedback welcome if anyone knows of a better way!


On 04/07/13 14:22, Ivan Carlos wrote:

Can't you open a new bt about this issue?


Em 04/07/2013 10:16, "Sven Kieske" <svenkieske@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:svenkieske@xxxxxxxxx>> escreveu:


    the mentioned User account Enumeration Weakness
    stated in Advisory https://secunia.com/advisories/23621/
    still exists in the actual version 3.5.2 .

    The corresponding trac entry for wordpress is closed as


    Maybe, because the trac bug mentions just version 1.5 as affected?

    I can easily reproduce this in version 3.5.2 .

    Please fix this, this bug is 8 years old!

    Kind Regards

    Sven Kieske

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Attachment: login_errors.class.php
Description: application/php

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