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[Full-disclosure] Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.12 - Persistent Command Injection Vulnerability

Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.12 - Persistent Command Injection Vulnerability




Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open 
source (GPL) program which creates offline atlases 
for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other 
Android and WindowsCE based applications. For the 
full list of supported applications please see the features section. 
Additionally individual maps can be exported as one large 
PNG image with calibration MAP file for OziExplorer. As source for an offline 
atlas Mobile Atlas Creator can use a large number 
of different online maps such as OpenStreetMap and other online map providers.


The Vulnerability Laboratory Security Team discovered a persistent 
vulnerability & local command path inject bug in the Mobile Atlas Creator 
1.9.12 (2116) software.

2013-05-02: Researcher Notification & Coordination (Ateeq Khan)
2013-05-03: Vendor Notification (MOB - Developer Team)
2013-05-03: Vendor Response/Feedback (MOB - Developer Team)
2013-05-29: Vendor Fix/Patch (MOB - Developer Team)
2013-06-11: Public Disclosure (Vulnerability Laboratory)


Affected Products:
Product: Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.12 



Due to the fact that proper user input sanatization is not being performed, it 
is possible to inject user specified HTML code 
within the Atlas Mobile Creator Application. Besides HTML Injection, Local 
Command Path Injecton is also Possible.  Other 
interesting behaviour includes that if you use <script>alert(1)</script> you 
will get an exception error and application will 
show you an error window. Upon further investigation, I was also able to load 
files from my local system where the 
application is installed. 

The bug exists in the Name FIeld while creating a New Atlas Map. A Malicious 
Attacker can save the script code as an Atlas Map 
file and send it to unknown victims. This surely makes this bug very 
interesting.  Please also note, I was able to cause multiple 
types of exception errors while trying different payloads which means there is 
a possibility of multiple attack vectors through 
the same vulnerable name field.

Vulnerable Module(s)
                        [+]  Create New Map

Vulnerable Field(s)
                        [+] Name

Proof of Concept:
The vulnerability can be exploited by local attackers with low privilege system 
user account and low user interaction.
For demonstration or reproduce ...

Manually steps to reproduce ...

1) Install and open atlas software
2) In the menu, goto Atlas -> New Atlas
3) Use the following payload as the Atlas name >"<iframe 
4) Click OK to save the input with the non-malicious test frame
5) Right click on the Atlas Content and click the Show Details menu button
6) The script code with the test frame will be executed in the main software 
when processing to load the show details function of the main listing module.

Note: If you use <script>alert(1)</script> you will get an exception error and 
application will show you an error window.redisplay

Proper user input sanatization should be performed and all special / illegal 
characters should be filtered out to prevent any such / similar attacks.

The security risk of the persistent input validation vulnerabilities and local 
command path inject vulnerabilities  are estimated as medium(+)|(-)high.

Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team] - Ateeq Khan 

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