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Re: [Full-disclosure] Why PRISM kills the cloud | Computerworld Blogs

> Truth be told, that statement is utter rubbish,


> some parts like certain eastern European countries might have less, but the 
> NSA makes the Stasi look like a boys choir.

Now, that, that is rubbish. I'm assuming you're German. You're doing
your countries history a disservice with such nonsense and hyperbole.
Total sidenote, what year did Germany go through a "de-stasi-fication"
ala the de-baath-ification of Iraq or the de-Nazi-fication? Oh yeah
you didnt. Don't look too hard at Nord Stream or Gazprom Germania and
I bet all those old timers grandfathered in at the top tiers of
deutsch telekom don't think like old-time spooks.. You realize that
Berlin isn't just a hotspot for the worlds intelligence community but
basically THE hotspot right? Go ask the people at CCCB about the
people who used to surveil them when they first moved in.

> Germany has ruled the scale of spying such as the NSA's is not only illegal, 
> but unconstitutional. BDN certainly dont sit on their arses, but
> they are not out of control like U.S. is, gathering data on every person in 
> the world, just is case in 5 years time one might have a radical view
> against the U.S. government.

Yeah, indeed, I remember being at CCC in IIRC 2007 when they came for
Julian. But no really, the German government is *THE* exception in the
world, they don't spy on you or anyone else, also, we have the london
bridge in Arizona, I bet it would look good over the Rhine, would you
like to be the london bridge?

> The good thing about NSA doing this, is in the past 2 days I have 29 clients 
> in Australia  instruct me to move them off amazon, gmail, and 365 > - for 
> local hosting with local owned business with no ties to U.S.

Dear god, I hope you don't look up the ASIO or you know, the

Every country in the world engages in intelligence collection, it
doesnt matter where your server is, if a country feels inclined,
they're in it, watching your data. Everything else is feel good
fluff.. Expect them.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Noel <nol@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-06-11 at 19:08 -0400, Justin Ferguson wrote:
> And you think the BND does what for a living exactly? Truth be told,
> most of Europe has weaker laws when regarding intelligence gathering
> Truth be told, that statement is utter rubbish, some parts like certain
> eastern European countries might have less, but the NSA makes the Stasi look
> like a boys choir.
> Germany has ruled the scale of spying such as the NSA's is not only illegal,
> but unconstitutional. BDN certainly dont sit on their arses, but they are
> not out of control like U.S. is, gathering data on every person in the
> world, just is case in 5 years time one might have a radical view against
> the U.S. government.
> The good thing about NSA doing this, is in the past 2 days I have 29 clients
> in Australia  instruct me to move them off amazon, gmail, and 365 - for
> local hosting with local owned business with no ties to U.S.

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