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Re: [Full-disclosure] PayPal.com XSS Vulnerability

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Robert Kugler
<robert.kugler10@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm Robert Kugler a 17 years old German student who's interested in securing
> computer systems.
> I would like to warn you that PayPal.com is vulnerable to a Cross-Site
> Scripting vulnerability!
> PayPal Inc. is running a bug bounty program for professional security
> researchers.
> ...
> Unfortunately PayPal disqualified me from receiving any bounty payment
> because of being 17 years old...
> ...
> I don’t want to allege PayPal a kind of bug bounty cost saving, but it’s not
> the best idea when you're interested in motivated security researchers...
Fortunately Microsoft and Firefox took a more reasonable positions for
the bugs you discovered with their products.

PCWorld and MSN picked up the story:
It is now news worthy to Wikipedia, where it will live forever under
Criticisms (unfortunately, it appears PayPal does a lot of
questionable things so its just one of a long list).


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