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[Full-disclosure] GreHack 2013 - Call For Papers - November 15, Grenoble, France

*GreHack 2013* — 2nd Call For Papers
November 15, Grenoble, France
http://grehack.org — Twitter: @grehack
The 2nd International Symposium on Grey-Hat Hacking — aka GreHack 2013
— will gather researchers and practitioners from academia, industry,
and government to discuss new advances in computer and information
security research.

All topics related to vulnerability discovery are within scope. In
addition, topics of interest also include but are not limited to:

 - Reverse Engineering and Obfuscation
 - Vulnerability Discovery, Analysis and Exploit Automation
 - Embedded Systems Security, including Smartphone Security
 - Hardware Vulnerabilities
 - Malware Creation, Analysis and Prevention
 - Web Application Security
 - Network Exfiltration
 - Intrusion Detection and Prevention
 - Security and Privacy in Cloud, P2P Networks
 - Penetration Testing
 - Disclosure and Ethics
 - Digital Forensics
 - Applied Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

We encourage original and groundbreaking submissions, demonstrations,
release of a new open source/non-commercial tool, and interaction with
the audience.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
Program Committee.

*Important Dates*
 - Submission deadline:         June 30, 2013 11pm59  Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Reviews due:                 August 25, 2013 11pm59 Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Decision notification:       September 4, 2013
 - Final paper camera-ready:    September 30, 2013 11pm59 Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Symposium:                   November 15, 2013

*Submissions Types*
GreHack 2013 will consider following types of submissions:
    *Full research papers* presenting mature and novel research
results. Their total length should range from 10 to 16 pages.
    *Short Papers/Extended Abstracts* describing novel ideas of
potential interest to the security research community. Their total
length should range from 4 to 8 pages.

    Papers accepted by the Program Committee will be presented at
GreHack 2013. Each paper must include an abstract and a list of
keywords, be formatted in a single-column format, use at least
11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. Templates are available
on the website (Latex and Word). Total length includes the
bibliography and any appendices.
    GreHack does not require anonymized submissions, thus authors and
affiliations must be mentioned. For accepted papers, at least one of
the authors must attend the conference and present the paper. Papers
must neither have been previously accepted for publication nor
submitted in another conference or journal with formal proceedings.
Industry conferences such as BlackHat do not have formal proceedings.

Further questions on the submission process may be sent to the program
chairs at pc-chairs-2013@xxxxxxxxxxx.

* Best Paper Award*
The Program Committee members will select the best paper to be
announced and awarded at the last session of the symposium.

*Publishing: Springer JCVHT*
The best papers will be selected from submissions, carefully reviewed,
and published in the prestigious Springer Journal in Computer Virology
and Hacking Techniques (JCVHT).
JCVHT is an open journal: the access to the papers is free of charges
for the reader.

*Program Committee*
 - Dan Alloun (Intel, Israel)
 - Ruo Ando (NICT, Japan)
 - Jean-Philippe Aumasson (Kudelski Security, Switzerland)
 - Sofia Bekrar (VUPEN Security, France)
 - Elie Bursztein (Google, US)
 - Fabrice Desclaux aka Serpilliere (France)
 - Adam Doupe (UCSB, US)
 - Fabien Duchene (LIG, France)
 - Chris Eng (Veracode, US)
 - Peter Van Eeckhoutte aka corelanc0d3r (Corelan, Belgium)
 - Manuel Egele (CMU, US)
 - Philippe Elbaz-Vincent (UJF, France)
 - Eric Filiol (ESIEA, France)
 - The Grugq (Thailand)
 - Mario Heiderich (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
 - Pascal Lafourcade (VERIMAG, France)
 - Cedric Lauradoux (INRIA, France)
 - Pascal Malterre (CEA-DAM, France)
 - Laurent Mounier (VERIMAG, France)
 - Stefano Di Paola (Minded Security, Italia)
 - Marie-Laure Potet (VERIMAG, France)
 - Paul Rascagneres aka r00tBSD (Malware.Lu, Luxembourg)
 - Sanjay Rawat (India)
 - Raphael Rigo (ANSSI, France)
 - Nicolas Ruff (EADS Innovation Works, France)
 - Steven Seeley aka Mr_Me (Immunity, US)
 - Fermin J. Serna (Google, US)
 - Nikita Tarakanov (Russia)

*Accepted Author Benefits* (1 author per accepted paper)
 - One free entry to the conference
 - Limited financial participation to author expenses (accommodation
and travel). Priority for travel grants will be given to students.

*Submission Guidelines*
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair at:
In the unlikely case that the submission website would be unavailable,
you can email your submission to: pc-chairs-2013@xxxxxxxxxxx.
*GreHack 2013* — 2nd Call For Papers
November 15, Grenoble, France
http://grehack.org — Twitter: @grehack
The 2nd International Symposium on Grey-Hat Hacking — aka GreHack 2013 — will 
gather researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to 
discuss new advances in computer and information security research.

All topics related to vulnerability discovery are within scope. In addition, 
topics of interest also include but are not limited to:

 - Reverse Engineering and Obfuscation
 - Vulnerability Discovery, Analysis and Exploit Automation
 - Embedded Systems Security, including Smartphone Security
 - Hardware Vulnerabilities
 - Malware Creation, Analysis and Prevention
 - Web Application Security
 - Network Exfiltration
 - Intrusion Detection and Prevention
 - Security and Privacy in Cloud, P2P Networks
 - Penetration Testing
 - Disclosure and Ethics
 - Digital Forensics
 - Applied Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

We encourage original and groundbreaking submissions, demonstrations, release 
of a new open source/non-commercial tool, and interaction with the audience.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program 

*Important Dates*
 - Submission deadline:         June 30, 2013 11pm59  Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Reviews due:                 August 25, 2013 11pm59 Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Decision notification:       September 4, 2013
 - Final paper camera-ready:    September 30, 2013 11pm59 Honolulu, Hawaii Time
 - Symposium:                   November 15, 2013 

*Submissions Types*
GreHack 2013 will consider following types of submissions:
    *Full research papers* presenting mature and novel research results. Their 
total length should range from 10 to 16 pages.
    *Short Papers/Extended Abstracts* describing novel ideas of potential 
interest to the security research community. Their total length should range 
from 4 to 8 pages. 
    Papers accepted by the Program Committee will be presented at GreHack 2013. 
Each paper must include an abstract and a list of keywords, be formatted in a 
single-column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. 
Templates are available on the website (Latex and Word). Total length includes 
the bibliography and any appendices.
    GreHack does not require anonymized submissions, thus authors and 
affiliations must be mentioned. For accepted papers, at least one of the 
authors must attend the conference and present the paper. Papers must neither 
have been previously accepted for publication nor submitted in another 
conference or journal with formal proceedings. Industry conferences such as 
BlackHat do not have formal proceedings.

Further questions on the submission process may be sent to the program chairs 
at pc-chairs-2013@xxxxxxxxxxx.

* Best Paper Award*
The Program Committee members will select the best paper to be announced and 
awarded at the last session of the symposium.

*Publishing: Springer JCVHT*
The best papers will be selected from submissions, carefully reviewed, and 
published in the prestigious Springer Journal in Computer Virology and Hacking 
Techniques (JCVHT).
JCVHT is an open journal: the access to the papers is free of charges for the 

*Program Committee*
 - Dan Alloun (Intel, Israel)
 - Ruo Ando (NICT, Japan)
 - Jean-Philippe Aumasson (Kudelski Security, Switzerland)
 - Sofia Bekrar (VUPEN Security, France)
 - Elie Bursztein (Google, US)
 - Fabrice Desclaux aka Serpilliere (France)
 - Adam Doupe (UCSB, US)
 - Fabien Duchene (LIG, France)
 - Chris Eng (Veracode, US)
 - Peter Van Eeckhoutte aka corelanc0d3r (Corelan, Belgium)
 - Manuel Egele (CMU, US)
 - Philippe Elbaz-Vincent (UJF, France)
 - Eric Filiol (ESIEA, France)
 - The Grugq (Thailand)
 - Mario Heiderich (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
 - Pascal Lafourcade (VERIMAG, France)
 - Cedric Lauradoux (INRIA, France)
 - Pascal Malterre (CEA-DAM, France)
 - Laurent Mounier (VERIMAG, France)
 - Stefano Di Paola (Minded Security, Italia)
 - Marie-Laure Potet (VERIMAG, France)
 - Paul Rascagneres aka r00tBSD (Malware.Lu, Luxembourg)
 - Sanjay Rawat (India)
 - Raphael Rigo (ANSSI, France)
 - Nicolas Ruff (EADS Innovation Works, France)
 - Steven Seeley aka Mr_Me (Immunity, US)
 - Fermin J. Serna (Google, US)
 - Nikita Tarakanov (Russia)

*Accepted Author Benefits* (1 author per accepted paper)
 - One free entry to the conference
 - Limited financial participation to author expenses (accommodation and 
travel). Priority for travel grants will be given to students.

*Submission Guidelines*
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair at:
In the unlikely case that the submission website would be unavailable,
you can email your submission to: pc-chairs-2013@xxxxxxxxxxx.

Attachment: GreHack_2013-CFP-Poster_web.jpg
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