does anyone know how I can contact Vodafone Security (preferably a
Germany-specific group because I have no idea whether the issue
affects people in other countries, too)?
I sent a mail to security@xxxxxxxxxxx and it didn't bounce (in case
someone from Vodafone is reading this: it was sent from my old
address jannhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx). In the mail, I told them to reply
within two weeks, and that was 2013-03-28. Well, I got no reply – either
they think it's not an issue and silently dropped the mail, they're
really slow or nobody reads that mailbox. (Or I made some mistake
sending the mail.)
Well, I tried phoning them first (01721212), but the helpdesk person told
me she'd need my password for that (of which I currently don't know
where exactly it is).
So, in case anyone knows how to contact their security guys properly,
please reply. Meh, why can't everyone just respect RFC 2142?