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Re: [Full-disclosure] Student expelled from Montreal college after finding vulnerability that compromised security of 250, 000

On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 09:57:51 +0000, Dan Ballance said:

> I don't personally think a degree should or shouldn't be awarded because a
> student has or has not met some kind of arbitrary moral standard. It should
> assess their abilities in computer science, not that their ethics meet with
> what the dominant powers in society currently deem to
> be acceptable behaviour. In the future some of these people may be
> remembered as freedom fighters - and our whole conception of what was
> ethical action at that time may shift.

Doesn't matter if he ends up a corporate knob or a freedom fighter.  If
he says "I promise to XYZ" you want him to be trustworthy on said promise.

You might want to ask the guys in Anonymous who got ratted out by one
of their own how they feel about the word "trustworthy" regarding the
rat who said "I promise not to rat you out".

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