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Re: [Full-disclosure] Adobe Flash UpdateInstalls Other Warez without Consent

You didn't download it from download.cnet.com, by any chance?
Sounds more like an infection to me.
For windows, download and run the following programs.

On 06/09/2012 19:09, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> The company that writes the worlds most insecure software [1,2,3] has
> figured out a way to further increase an attack surface.
> Adobe now includes additional warez in their updates without consent.
> The warez includes a browser and tools bar. The attached image is what
> I got when I agreed to update Adobe Flash because of recent security
> vulnerability fixes.
> It appears Adobe has become a whore to Google like Mozilla.
> +1 Adobe.
> [1] http://www.google.com/#q=Adobe+site%3Asecurityfocus.com.
> [2] 
> http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/search-results?query=adobe&search_type=all&cves=on
> [3] http://lastwatchdog.com/adobe-surpasses-microsoft-favorite-hackers-target/
> [4] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/12/29/security_predictions_2010/
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