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[Full-disclosure] Nike+ Panel & Mobile App - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] Nike+ Panel & Mobile App - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities
- From: Vulnerability Lab <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:02:09 +0200
Nike+ Panel & Mobile App - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerability Scoring System:
Das Nike+ FuelBand zeichnet deine täglichen Aktivitäten über einen im Sport
getesteten dreiachsigen Beschleunigungsmesser auf.
Dann rechnet es jede Bewegung in NikeFuel um. Das Nike+ FuelBand zeichnet
Laufen, Gehen, Tanzen, Basketball und die Ergebnisse
einer Vielzahl alltäglicher Aktivitäten auf. Außerdem kannst du die Ergebnisse
mit einer motivierenden, mobilen Website
synchronisieren. Also: Anlegen und loslegen. Wie aktiv möchtest du sein? Leg
dein Tagesziel fest. Das Nike+ FuelBand misst deinen
Fortschritt und zeigt ihn dir im Verlauf des Tages mit einer Farbanzeige von
rot bis grün an. Wenn du in den grünen Bereich kommst,
hast du dein Ziel erreicht. Mach aus jedem Tag ein neues Spiel. Brich Rekorde,
erreiche neue Meilensteine und schalte besondere
Errungenschaften frei. Reite auf einer Erfolgswelle und probiere, wie viele
Tage in Folge du dein Tagesziel erreichst.
(Copy of the Homepage: http://nikeplus.nike.com/plus/ )
A Nike+ FuelBand is required to use this app. You must have iOS 5.0 or above
installed to use the Nike+ FuelBand app.
A Nike+ FuelBand is required to use this app. You must have iOS 5.0 or above
installed to use the Nike+ FuelBand app.
Nike+ FuelBand measures your everyday activity and turns it into NikeFuel. It
also tracks each step and calorie burned.
The App talks to your Nike+ FuelBand, allowing you to see your progress on your
mobile device and get the motivation
you need to get moving.
• Sync wirelessly, set your Daily Goal directly from the App and decide how
much NikeFuel you want to earn that day.
• Sync your Nike+ FuelBand throughout the day to track your NikeFuel and try to
hit your Daily Goal.
• See your daily activity breakdown and view your progress by week, month,
• View your achievement celebrations and save your badges in your trophycase.
Bragging optional.
• Connect, compare and compete with your Facebook friends. See your daily and
weekly NikeFuel totals on a social leaderboard.
• Keep track of your streaks. See how many days in a row you can reach
yourDaily Goal.
• Keep track of your personal bests. Set your records and try to break them.
• Get notified every time you earn a trophy, beat a record, or reach a
• Manage your Nike+ profile and settings on the go.
• Write about your day and keep a personal record of how you felt. See
whatmakes you tick.
• Share your NikeFuel and achievements with friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Get cheered on and stay motivated.
• Stay connected to the rest of the Nike+ community.
• The app automatically sends all your information to your Nike+ profile online.
• Nike+ FuelBand Device required.
(Copy of the Homepage:
http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/nike+-fuelband/id493325070?mt=8# )
Vulnerability-Lab Team discovered multiple Web Vulnerabilities in the Nike+
Control Panel & fuelband mobile web application.
2012-04-06: Researcher Notification & Coordination
2012-05-28: Vendor Notification 1
2012-06-09: Vendor Notification 2
2012-07-22: Vendor Notification 3
2012-08-01: Public or Non-Public Disclosure
Multiple persistent input validation vulnerabilities are detected in the Nike+
Control Panel & fuelband mobile web application.
The bug allows an attackers to implement/inject malicious script code on the
application side (persistent).
The first persistent vulnerability is located in the profile username input
with the bound vulnerable name normal_font listing.
The persistent code get executed out of the mobile application username listing
& nike+ index panel username profile listing.
The secound persistent vulnerability is located in the facebook friends module
& the bound vulnerable facebook friend name listing.
The persistent code get executed out of the friends (management) when
processing to add a user with malicious string in the facebook name.
The third vulnerability is located in the nike+ search module for members and
the bound vulnerable alt_header_font title listing.
The 3rd vulnerability is located on client side of the application and gets
executed when a register malicious username will be searched.
By injecting any own script code directly without the existing user the code
will be executed on client side of the search module.
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability can lead to persistent session
hijacking (manager/admin) or stable (persistent)
context manipulation in mobile apps or panels via sync. Exploitation requires
low user inter action and a privileged user account.
Vulnerable Section(s):
[+] Index & Profile
[+] Friends/Freunde - Facebook
[+] Search - Listing
Vulnerable Input(s):
[+] Name
[+] Friend Name
[+] Titel Header
Vulnerable Parameter(s):
[+] name normal_font
[+] facebook friend name
[+] alt_header_font title
Note: the vulnerability also affect the mobile applications and can be synced
with the fuelband. Maybe the bug is also located in other panels!
Proof of Concept:
The persistent input validation vulnerability can be exploited by privileged
user accounts with low required user inter action & nike+ sync.
For demonstration or reproduce ...
Review: name normal_font
<li id="nav_profile" class="button">
<a href="/plus/profile/rem0ve23/">
<div class="avatar">
<div class="desc">
<div class="name normal_font">
Input: http://nikeplus.nike.com/plus/profile/keymaster137/
Output: http://nikeplus.nike.com/plus/
Review: alt_header_font title
<div class="alt_header_font title no_results">ZU >"<[PERSISTENT INJECTED SCRIPT
Input: https://secure-nikeplus.nike.com/plus/friends/[USERNAME]/#nike
The first vulnerability can be patched by parsing the username input (profile)
& the affected output listing (index).
The secound vulnerability can be patched by parsing the invited friend facebook
name listing (output).
The third vulnerability can be patched by parsing the the search input field
and output listing (results) to`zu.
The security risk of the persistent input validation vulnerabilities are
estimated as medium(+)|(-)high.
HITB Team - Dhillon Kannabhiran (l33tdawg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team] - Benjamin Kunz Mejri
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may not apply. We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any vendor
licenses, policies, deface websites, hack into databases
or trade with fraud/stolen material.
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